Monday, January 28, 2013

A little surprise came into our lives!

Well I know that I have been seriously slack over the last 6 months, but I do have a reason, we had the absolute shock of our lives when after weeks of feeling really tired and rundown we found out there was a reason for this fatigue and it had to do with a little person growing in my womb.

Now anyone that knows us, know that a third child was the last thing that was in our plans.  I unfortunately am so unwell when pregnant and the thought of putting my family and friends through something like this again was the last thing on my mind.  Don't get me wrong I love my children but anyone that has experienced Hyperemesis would understand the pain a family goes through and the on going affects this illness has on you.  Severe morning sickness is an understatement, more like all day and all night sickness.

It was a huge decision this time to go on medication straight away as I could not contemplate life with two children and being this unwell.  I am talking about vomiting in excess of 10 times a day and feeling so weak and depressed that just the smallest task seems impossible.

Thanks to a very understanding husband, I truly don't know what would have become of me without you  and with the help of some amazing friends(Cath, Linda, Dot and Kathryn) I feel I could not have got through the last couple of months of school and general household activities and all the mental support you have provided me with. There are so many others also so please don't think I have not appreciated all you have done and are currently doing to get me through this hard time.

Our house looks like a bomb has hit it but we are getting by.

So it looks like we will be blessed with another little angel some time in early May.

Apart from feeling gross and still a little green all day, I am feeling slightly better hence I have the strength to blog for the first time in nearly half a year.

I will hopefully blog a little more to keep everyone up to date with our amazing little miracle.

After a scary  first scan(we were terrified that there might be two hidden away somewhere and whew there was only one)! We can happily say we are looking forward to adding a number 5 to our family.

On a final note, I have to say that this little one, looks very much like a Nyssen baby already.  Counting down the days until your arrival little one.

Here we go again!

This is a post full of mixed blessing, it looks like our little city is now facing flooding again only two years after the worst flood in 30 years we are now in the front line yet again. 

We are truly lucky that living surrounded by trees that none came down with this terrible storm that has been causing mass destruction down the Queensland coast.  Ex cyclone Oswald is just a heavy rain front but it has and is still causing more destruction than any that has come before it as it has made its way from Carin's at the top of Queensland and is currently sitting over Coffs Harbour in NSW where David's parents live and it is not losing any power on its way. 

Watch out Sydney we have never seen anything like it!

This is s couple of photos that David took yesterday on his phone of our local Kedron Brook.  Personally I have never seen it so high and to see it nearly lapping at the local Stafford City shopping centre and believe me down below in that water you could once see our local dog park and a large bridge,  there is quite a large incline down too the Brooke from the shopping centre, so these photos just blow my mind.

We have just heard on the news that a mother and child that were watching the Brook earlier this morning had a tree fall on them not far from here.  I wish there family all the best at such a terrible time and hope they are both alright.

The last two photos are taken from Billabong Street, David said that water was already lapping into the undercover car park for the charity and music store.  The levels obviously were much higher later in the day, so I can only imagine how high the water was by early evening when the storm was at its peak.

Now we wait for the Brisbane River to fill and by tomorrow we will know the affects and toll this storm has has yet again taken on our city.

My heart goes out to all the people that were affected so badly only two short years ago and the pain and agony they must yet again be facing.

This is truly a nightmare, slowly unfolding.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cool ideas and crafts for kids on holidays!

While surfing the web for quilting help I came across this cool project for a  floor rug that the kids can make over the holidays!

I might go to the Salvo's tomorrow and try and score some cheap t-shirts, to start this project off!

I will hopefully have some kind of results by the end, wish us luck!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wilston Winter Magic Fair!

Our two winter princesses!


Fairy Floss, ice cream cones, ice and snow(well the closest thing Brisbane will ever come to snow and ice anyway), smiles, giggles, circus acts, our little princesses singing in the choir, stalls, balloons and even a feather duster!  What a perfect afternoon. 
  What happens after all this pomp and pageantry, well you crawl home(well to a friends!) put your feet up and have a cuppa, sometimes too much of a good thing, is well...... it is exhausting, well to all the big people in all these little peoples worlds it certainly was anyway!

 I hope your weekend was a sparkling one!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Two ever so inspirational and favourite quotes from the very talented my concrete sky.

How inspirational is this quote!

Isn't it amazing how a single quote or photograph can some times inspire and change the whole way you think! It makes you want to go out and change the way you live your life.  Positive life affirming messages they make you want to sing and dance and live a life free of expectation and routine even to capture a little of that in each and every day is something to aspire too and run towards!  Possibility and an open heart can bring such joy and surprise!

I hope everyone can find a little something in their day that makes them excited and inspires them to share with you there uniqueness!

Big thank you to these gorgeous bloggers like my concrete sky,  who believe in sharing all these wonderful and unique little treasures they have created or found, it brings such sunshine to my everyday and I love spending time reading through and feasting my eyes on their gorgeous images and words. 

A beautiful quote for a beautiful friend!

I found this over on Shabby blogs one of my favourite places to visit and thought what an amazing quote, just one of many inspirational quotes and photos that these amazing girls share with everyone, but this one reminded me of my close friend Linda and the struggle she has had over the last 2 years since loosing her husband.

 Her loss I am sure is something that has changed her and the way she sees life and the fact that she stills sees hope, opportunity and beauty in everything she does and displays it in her every day, just blows me away.  I feel so fortunate to have her as a friend, she is truly one of the most beautiful people I know on the inside and and the out.

I wish her now and always blue skies and butterflies as I don't know anyone that deserves more!