Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Now you see it, now you don't!

Well we have finally started, there has been a couple of small delays, but I am pretty happy with the speed of our new builder. I am a little nervous when I go and visit with what I am going to find, but they have so far been quite considerate!

Amber had her last day of ballet two weeks ago and they where so cute, no concert yet as they are too young but they put on a little show and dance for us and it was just gorgeous. Amber had to wear her gigantic butterfly wings and nearly took out half the class and she had a little trouble rolling around the floor, it was so cute and soo funny!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

We are finally moving out!

Well it has taken 16 months but our loan for our renovations has finally been approved and we will be moving out this weekend. I knew when it finally happened that it would be a rush to move out, but I am just so happy that we are finally at this stage, it has been a long and exhausting 16 months full of stress and dissappointment, but it is amazing how fast the past just evaporates when you finally have good news. Amber and snoopy are a little confused as to what is happening, but I know our little girl is just going to be over the moon once she has moved into her new room and mummy just can't wait to decorate lol!!!

I just want to say a big thankyou to everyone that had to listened to me complain over the last 16 months, we really appriciated your support and encouragement during this time. I promise to keep you all updated with the progress and the building of our dream home.

Will post some before and after photos tomorrow as I only have the before at the moment, but the garage is gone, let the fun begin!!!