This is the shoe that Amber decided minutes before heading out the door to go to her best friends birthday party to lodge up her nose! This is not the first time Amber has done this but after this experience hopefully the last. Several months ago she managed to lodge a rock up her nostril but thankfully we managed to cover one nostril and told her to blow and it came out, this time we were not as fortunate. When she lodged the rock up her nose the first time we didn't believe her at first and ignored what she was saying this time though there was no doubt and after several attempts to remove, we were off to the hospital. I think we spent around 3 hours up at the hospital and just when we were about to get her put under so they could remove the shoe, Amber gets a runny nose and wants a tissue, the next thing I know I am looking down and what is laying in her skirt but the little shoe. So after half a day of anxiety and Amber missing out on half of Darcys 4th birthday, we can finally leave the hospital and so begins 2008 lol!!!
Lets hope the rest of the year is a little more boring lol!!! We were fortunate though that the party had not finished and Amber had an amazing time at Darcys birthday and the shoe incident was all but forgotten, ah kids you have to love them!!!