We finally moved into our newly renovated house and I have been unpacking for the last three weeks at a very slow pace. I am not sure that the house looks any bigger with all the stuff we own lol, but it is wonderful to have space again. As you can see we still have a lot to do and we had to sacrifice any built in cupboards for a little while but Amber's bookshelf is doing a great job in her room for the time being.
We have had a crazy week this past week with primary school parent info night, thank you soo much Jim and Lynda for looking after Amber on such short notice and with a full day on Wednesday at the farm with the pre-prep kiddies. I will post some fab photos of that crazy day tomorrow and I had a fun but exhausting day with Amber on Friday at pre-prep, this might explain why I am totally exhausted this week.
Talking about pre-prep, Amber had her time in the spotlight last Friday which means that she had a lovely poster on display with questions describing herself and all her favorite things and things she disliked and I had to laugh as her favorite thing is when mummy lets her sleep in her bed and the thing she dislikes the most is when mummy wont let her sleep in our bed. This is the first time that I have ever heard about this and thought it was so cute that this is her biggest worry lol, especially when she is welcome in our bed whenever she likes lol. I do love this age and the things that occupy there little minds.
On that Friday she got to bring up a box of her favorite things and that was just as entertaining, what she filled her box up with, some really unexpected things like a topiary rose arrangement that I gave her that was ours that I was going to get rid of when unpacking(apparently, it is now a favorite thing), a tiara, two books, lots of photos, dora doll, her stuffed bed bunny jojo and Thomas the tank(which the boys loved). Unfortunately no photos were taken as we had misplaced our camera charger and battery and our poor camera was dead as a door nail(maybe this was a good thing lol).
Even though the below photos are not from this Fridays visit to Amber's kindy, I thought I would share some photos from last term which was not that long ago, I have been very slack with my blogging(so much for being an up to date diary lol).
Amber just adores animals and was soo excited when they had baby chicks and watching the eggs hatching at kindy last term, it was a real highlight for her!!! The first photo is of Amber with fifi the special doll you get to hold when your mummy or daddy is up for the day.......very special!!!!
I can't believe how much has happened in the last couple of months, we have had my father and his wife Ying arrive home for a holiday from China for 6 weeks and hopefully even though it flew by and they had alot of things to sort out. I think they had an ok time. They just missed out on seeing us move into our house, but we had a lovely day at the end of the trip down near the river with Amber and her cousin Emma. Kids and water always means stripping down to your undies lol, well with my child anyway. It was lovely to see you both again Dad and Ying and I can't believe that it will be another 2 years before we see you again!!!
I just thought I would through another couple of photos into the mix as it has been a little while since moving back to our house and Amber has missed her little cousin Emma sooo much, so I thought she would get a kick out of these two photos taken at the art gallery a couple of weeks ago. Amber sends you a big kiss and a cuddles to Emma and looks forward to catching up with her again soon for a play date xx.
Speaking of cute, Amber's class put on a circus a couple of weeks ago and even though I only have video footage and haven't quite worked out how to download videos yet, it was the cutest thing all these little four year olds doing circus tricks, there were clowns, tiger tamers, acrobats, hoola hoopers and tightrope walkers. Amber was a tight rope walker and did a fabulous job entertaining me and her Oma, who replaced her father at the last minute because the circus fell on the same day as we were moving into the house.
I also would like to announce a big thank you to everyone that has helped us move and unpack over the last couple of weeks, we could not have done it without you and we really appreciate all your help, this includes, my sister and family for putting up with us for 8 months, we love you all so much for all that you have done for us. I would also like to include my mum and Barry and Davids parents plus our good friends Kathy and Darcy, thank you so much for helping this poor pregnant lady and her family out, it has been such a stressful time but we feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends who truly mean the world to us.
On a final note we had a baby shower a month or so ago it was a joint one with me and my sister, we had a wonderful time and got some lovely gifts, thank you everyone that came to share this special time with us, unfortunately I was way too busy making mocktails lol, to take any photos, but we did manage to slip in one photo of the three pregnant girls in the family......sorry for sharing this photo Jen and Belle, but it will be lovely to look back on. So here is the three very pregnant good looking ladies and I hope this will make you giggle in a couple of months time!!!
Thank you also mum for being such a great host.......as always and for once again putting on an amazing day.
I also have to say a big congratulations to Belle and Alex on the arrival of little William, I know you will both be amazing parents and thank you for letting us share this exciting time with you both. He is truly the most scrumptious baby and I know he will bring you both years of joy and happiness. Big congratulations also to Poppy Barry on your first grandson, I am sure your as proud as punch of your son and daughter in law.
And to end things on a sweet note I thought I would post a couple of photos of my little angel in some of her favorite out fits. Need to work on my photography mind you, but I do have an excuse at the moment lol.
Thanks for baring with me everyone and sorry for such a long post, my laptop died just before we moved so it has been hard finding a computer to catch up with everything that has been going on in cyberland lately......but hubby has been very kind lending his whenever possible. I promise to update more frequently from now on!!!!