Friday, September 26, 2008

Going loopy!

Well they say to watch what you wish for and I truly believe that now. I was two days early with my labour with Amber, so I guess I just expected that the same thing would happen with this baby and now that I am two days overdue and going crazy I don't know what to think. I am booked in to see the doctor at the hospital tomorrow to talk about being induced and I am not to keen on the whole idea. Don't get me wrong I don't want this baby too grow too big but it kind of takes the excitment out of everything when you know what day that your heading into the hospital to meet your new little bundle of joy.

I have tried many of the things that everyone has recommended to bring labour on with no success, so I guess he will come when he is well and truly ready to come. Our little girl is at my mums and Barry's tonight and my sister is up with her two children and staying at there place, so it is a little quite and wierd around here tonight, as it is not very often that I am home and my baby isn't. I didn't think I would miss her so much, especially her little smile and laugh. I am sure she has had a ball tonight and I am crossing my fingers and toes that this baby arrives tomorrow, but who knows???

Seeing I am missing my little girl and three are soon to become four, I thought I would take a little walk down memory lane and thought I would share a couple of pictures. I can't believe how fast the last 4 years have passed and how much Amber has grown into a lovely young person.

Well hopefully my next post will include an extra little member to our family. I feel so fortunate to have such a gorgeous little girl in my life and I am looking forward to meeting(if a little nervously), our new little man. I am sure many adventures and fun lie ahead and thankyou sweet little girl for all the memories and joy you have brought to our lives over the last four years, we love you soo much xx.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time is flying by so fast!

I can't believe that I am on the count down to our baby's arrival. By ultrasound I am due on Thursday and by dates I am due on the Tuesday, so somewhere in the middle I think. I still have so much to unpack with our house, but the main part is done, so I am trying not to stress about it too much, as I can't really move that fast anyway.
Ok I hate photos at the best of times but seeing this is a diary of sorts I thought I would include one of myself with only a week to go and my friend Ann who is due on the same day lol. I wonder if we will go on the same day!!! As you can see we had our first children together at nearly the same time only two weeks apart, they were just a little keener than myself and David and added an extra one in the middle.

Well we had exciting news on the 3rd of September(just missing Davids birthday, by a day) my sisters little baby girl Mikayla arrived in a record time of 41 minutes(cow) and at 8 pounds and 6 ounces quite a sizable difference to my sisters first baby. She is absolutely gorgeous with a mop of dark hair and just the sweetest little nature. The night we went up to visit at the hospital it was absolutely bucketing down with rain and silly me I forgot our camera(no surprise at the moment as I am forgetting everything). Thankfully I can now report thanks to Alex's birthday that I have some special kodak moments and I also have some gorgeous ones of little William, so only one baby to go now, mind you I am in no hurry believe me lol!!!

A big congratulations to the Anderson family we are over the moon for you all and so glad to have little Mikayla join our ever growing clan!!!

Well Amber has been a little strange lately with all these babies arriving and with the shock at watching my sister breastfeed, she is just gobsmacked lol and can't believe how long it takes. She is a little bit nervous I think with our little bundle arriving soon and is requiring lots of huggles(our special little name for cuddles) and she must be a little nervous as some of her habits have come back in full force like pinching our elbows, which is something she has always done since she was a baby for comfort.
I think she is going to be an amazing big sister and help me out so much once the baby arrives. Amber seems to have grown up so much in someways lately and is full of questions, which thankfully I can answer at the moment.....lets hope she doesn't get to advanced for her poor old mother.

Just a couple of recent photos nearly all taken at night unfortunately, as this seems to be the only spare time I have these days........I have to laugh though as I added one of myself that Amber took as she is obsessed with using our camera at the moment and steals it when ever she can.....anyway she always pulls funny faces when I am taking a photo of her so I thought I would get her back and this was the results.......its a little blurry but I got my revenge lol!!

Just a last quick note, I want to wishto thank my husband so much for everything he has done for me and Amber over the last nine months, he has been my saviour during this pregnancy and I truly could not have survived without his love and support. I was so sick, so thank you honey for all those trips to the chemist and for rushing home to cook dinner and look after Amber while we were building our house. Your an amazing husband and I count my blessings every day that I have you by my side. I love you so much babe I hope you realize this xx.
So the last photos of this post are for you so you know how much we both love you and I hope you had a lovely birthday, even if it was a blur with new babies and all the crazy things that have been happening around here at the moment.
Hugs and kisses Kylie and Amber xx

Monday, September 01, 2008

A day on the farm!

Well as I mentioned in my last post, we went to the farm on Wednesday for Ambers kindy and had a wonderful day. There were alot of mummy animals and because its nearly spring there were also alot of baby animals also. This meant I felt a strong urge to cross my legs and not have any offspring arrive early with all these babies surrounding me it could have been very dangerous lol!!!
Amber had a wonderful day and especially loved the bus trip with the rest of her class out to the farm and there were a few tears when she thought she had to come home with mummy instead of going on the bus. Thankfully another mummy that was on the bus gave up her seat which meant her dreams could be fullfilled and she could ride on the bus all the way home!!!

So much was squeezed into one day at the farm, Amber managed to ride a pony, sit on a bull, hold a baby chick and have a chicken sit on her head(see below photo lol), take a hay ride on a tractor, milk a cow and feed a baby kid, lamb and a baby calf. We also squeezed in morning tea and lunch which this mummy really needed, I can tell you. It was a fabulous day for all and the Samford Valley were the farm is situated is always a gorgeous place to come and visit. I think I am still trying to recover from such a busy day and I am thankful that my little one decided not to arrive just yet!!!
P.S. I now understand why pigs are called pigs, as I have never heard an animal squeal and get so excited about getting feed. It totally cracked me up watching them wait in antisipation for a feed with there curly tails and there drooling tounges hanging out, I don't think I would ever want to get between a pig and its dinner I can tell you that much lol!!!

Until next time yeeeh haaaaah and farewell to all you little cowboys and cowgirls!!!