Well I should be catching some zzz's but I feel slack that I haven't posted for such a long time. Well our little man is now a month old and growing at an extrondinary speed. I have been struggling the last couple of days, as David was called away with work to the Solomon Islands unexpectedly, so I wasn't prepared at all and last night was hell on earth, as Aidan wouldn't go to sleep for longer than 10 minutes and kept crying which meant that Amber could not fall asleep because of all the crying, so it was a crazy night.
I have been lucky though and I have had two nights since his birth where he has slept 8 hours, pity I couldn't take advantage of these fully as I had to take Amber to pre-prep, but he is a pretty happy content baby most days. I am resisting a dummy at the moment to see whether he sleeps better and to solve the problem of having to replace it every time he wakes up during the night, but I am not sure how long this will last, as being on my own is making the dummy look very tempting lol.
Well Amber had her school orientation day two weeks ago and she had a wonderful day but wasn't too impressed when we were trying on the uniforms. She really wanted a school dress, but the school was trying to talk the little ones out of them, as they do soo much climbing etc that they are not very practical.............but my girl(being the girly girl that she is)had to have one and boy was she excited to show daddy when she arrived home.......she didn't take the dress off all night and in the end the dress ended up in the wash already as she got dinner all over it. I can't believe that my little girl is off to school next year, at least I have my little man to distract me!
As you can see spaghetti all over her face lol!
Aidan is already very inquisitive, he is constantly looking around and staring everyone out lol, I am not joking he has this intense stare and he really furrows his brows when he looks at you.....its scary stuff lol. He is also a very chatty little thing, he is constantly gooing and gaaing all day long, it is soo cute, he is more verbal than Amber was when she was a baby and she was very chatty so that is saying something.
Well there is hardly any unpacking being done any more.....for obvious reasons, but we are still plodding away with little projects........rome wasn't built in a day right pmsl!!!!
I have only taken half the photos and video footage that I took of Amber.........so I guess he will suffer from the second child neglect, its such a challenge spending quality time with both children and Amber has been so understanding and helpful, and amazingly patient considering she has to wait half the day for me to do simple things for her sometimes. I feel truly blessed to have two gorgeous children in my life.
Well here is a quick update of our life in the last month. Our good friends Ann and Ian's baby finally arrived five days after Aidan. We were having a birth off lol as to who would give birth first as we were both due on the same day. I must say that I was victorious but I would happily swap as Thomas was only seven pounds unlike my nine pounder lol!!! Congratulations guys, he is beautiful and I am sure they are going to be great mates growing up together.
I thought I would throw in a couple of family photos, it was lovely to catch up with my sister and our neice and nephew if only briefly.....giving birth does that. Matthew and Shannon have shoot up since I saw them last they are so grown up now.......makes me feel old. Its so rare these days to have all of them together at the same time and I am sure as they get older it is only going to get harder. So even though this isn't the best photo they are all at least in it.
Amber had grandparents day at pre-prep two weeks ago and she was so proud to have her grandmother come along......sad that Barry could not be there unfortunately......but Amber was so excited to show grandma around and hopefully mum had a lovely morning. Aidan slept the whole way through the morning(that was the 9 hour sleep that he had). Thankyou for coming along and sharing such a special day with Amber, I know you made one little girl feel very special.
Had to laugh at Amber pinching Grandmas elbow, some habits never die lol!
Well I just had to include these photos of Amber........she just loves her new room and spends many hours just playing away in there.......in all its pink glory........she is such a princess, but we love her so!!!
And on a final note, I had to include this photo of Aidan and his cousin Makayla, hopefully they don't become kissing cousins as this photo looks a little suss lol!!! But soo cute!!!
Well I need to go catch a couple of hours sleep.......if I am lucky!!!!