I thought I might start this post with my above friend, I don't know whether it is the colour of our walls inside the house or what but I have never seen so many butterflies and dragonflies come inside for a visit! I thought I would take a photo as proof!

Well it has been and passed without too much fuss (thank goodness), but I am now creeping a little closer to the big 40! I turned 36 on the 7 and it just blows my mind to think that I am over half way through my 30s. It is so true what they say about not feeling your age, I still feel 25 years old most days ! Look at that gorgeous cake on the right, (hubby made it for me and I am impressed as it is the first time that he has ever baked, so I feel very honoured, and it tasted yummy) so babe I was very impressed! I was looked after all weekend and had a lovely time, thank you David, Amber and Aidan for making mummy's birthday such a special one, I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful family to celebrate a day like today with xx.
Mum and
Will catch up!
Makayla after a feed (whatever you do don't come between this girl and her dinner unless you like tears), very impressed she is a fantastic feeder for 6 months old, you must be pleased as punch Jen and Adam!
Aidan and Belle
have a little chat!
I had a lovely day and Mum and Barry put on a lovely dinner with all the family. A big thank you to you both it was a lovely evening.
The infamous two, Amber and Emma(partners in crime and all things pink and white lol
Emma and Amber just play beautifully together, I think they will be not just cousins but wonderful friends for life. All the babies are growing up so fast, it amazes me how fast time is going with our second. It seemed to go in slow motion with Amber, but that has probably something to do with her being our first and every little development seemed to put myself and David into a semi tail spin!
Its hard to know sometimes whether I reacted to early with every little thing that happened with Amber, as she only needed to peep and I came running, poor Aidan has to suck it up and wait most days as life just gets to crazy busy sometimes. He is such a happy little thing, he doesn't get up set very often, it is hard to say whether that is because he is the second child and I am more relaxed or whether it is just his nature. To be fair to Amber though, she was a very happy baby it had more to do with her neurotic mother, who used to freak out with even the smallest cry! I am sure all this will change very soon with the first tooth, so I am glad I wrote this down, as one bad night and everything is forgotten lol!
Well Aidan is cruising along at the moment and I don't think it will be too long before he is crawling (scary stuff)! He is now up on his all fours and rocking, it is so cute and totally new experience for us as Amber was a bum shuffler. Our house is so not child proofed anymore, so I think we will have to get moving on that one asap.

I had to include this photo, this is our little man all dressed up ready to go out to his first Oscar party (Brad Pitt eat your heart out), hat a little spunk rat!WONDERFUL NEWS!
We had a wonderful day watching the Oscars live for the first time in Australian history at Jim's place and David was kind enough to take Amber to be tested again regarding her peanut and tree allergy at the hospital. For the first time she came up negative with all the tree nuts and with peanuts she has gone from a 6 to 1 (the scale is 0 to 8, 8 being the most servere) in the last several visits! This was the news we never thought we would ever hear as she has been anaphlaxsis since she was 2 and has to carry an epipen with her everywhere she goes. It would be heaven to not have to read any more labels and see that lovely line on nearly every grocery item that says "May contain traces of nuts and peanuts".
We have to wait another 18 months and then they will feed her nuts in a controlled environment, but it certainly gives us hope, which is something that we did not think was ever going to happen and would take a huge burden off the poor little things shoulders, so we are certainly counting down the days now! There is such a low chance statistically of growing out of this allergy so we are just over the moon at this result!
So this news could change our lives in the best way possible and that is more than we could have ever asked for!
Amber is settling into school very nicely and loves going every day, even if she is very tired and doesn't want to wake up, all I have to say is "Do you want to miss school", and she is up out of bed and running down the hall! She had her first project that she had to take home two weeks ago which was to make a A3 poster all about herself and her family. Lets just say someone went to bed and someone stayed up half the night gluing and pasting it together, I guess this is only the start of many projects over the next 13 years lol. Pretty happy with the results and I am sure I could of helped her fill a whole look with all the photos that we had selected!

We madly spent the night before looking for a family photo and scummed to rounding the family up and putting the timer on the camera and then dashing to all get in the photo and obviously unsuccessfully have everyone look at the lens, it nearly worked lol!

Amber's school had a beach party two weeks ago to raise money for the school and unannounced to myself they brought all the preppies up on stage to introduce them. I had face painted Amber and Darcy's faces earlier that afternoon and Miss Amber would not let me wash it off, so that is why her face looks like that (and don't look to close as it is not the best job), but up on stage right at the front for all to see was our proud grown up girl! Oh well she was happy with herself and her spiderman looking face and that is the most important thing......isn't it?
Amber also had a get together with her pre-prep teachers Lisa and Bronny and all the kids from her class in the park last week, gee it was lovely to see everyone, such a lovely group, they had such a fun time, just made me miss last year and how special it really was!
Amber had a day off today from school as we had a photo shoot with the Bettina modelling agency which both Amber and Aidan are now a part of. Just before Christmas while shopping at Brookside there was a talent scout and they were giving away one year free to a child with them. I decided to enter and then didn't think again about it until, I received a phone call from them. They didn't win, no surprise there as I thought it was probably to just suck you in.
But as they were chosen to come along for an interview I thought I would check it all out. I am a big believer of fate and things happening for a reason. I am trying to use my gut feeling more often these days as it is usually right and I just had a good feeling about this company they seem very proffesional and have a huge client base, so we thought we would give it a go for 12 months!
Anyway they only recruit a certain number of children from each age group and if they don't get you any casting calls in the first 12 months the next year is free. So we thought what the hell, no matter what it would be a great experience for Amber and hopefully a confidence builder and it is always healthy to learn how to take instructions and talk in front of people! So here we are for better or worse and
anticipating what the next 12 months will contain! I am kind of excited myself, even if it means a lot of running around, I have to say we are used to it anyway,as I always seem to be running the kids around to something anyway so it can't be that much different.
I think the biggest event of the day wasn't the photo shoot but finding the perfect outfit before we had even left! We changed approximately 10 times lol! I think we picked the right outfit.........if not we had fun dressing up! Poor Aidan even got subjected too a couple of changes!

So the photo shoot was today and David came along also, it was a great shoot and they took some stunning photos, I tried to take some of my own once we arrived home but I think it was a little ambitious as Aidan was a little tired and whiny. But I thought I would post a couple of my piccys anyway! At least I can feel that my clothing fetish with Amber has paid off at least once now. Now I only need to repeat that another 1000 times and I will back on track lol!
Well it is back to reality now and to school and work, and I have to say 2009 is certainly starting out in an interesting direction, who knows what is around the corner............cant wait to find out!!
Amber took the above photo, with our camera, she also had birthday money from David's family and decided she would love a camera so on the weekend we went out and purchased a gorgeous pink samsung one for her. Well I have never seen her so excited, she must have taken ( no word of a lie) 200 photos when we went out for our walk last week of every single flower in bloom. She is not to bad behind the lens either. (Well there are no heads cut off anyway)! I will post some photos soon of her handy work!
I had to show this photo as this of one of our walks in the early evening. Amber likes to run at the beginning and this is what has been happening by the end lol! Some how I think that she is a little to big for the pram with her legs hanging over, don't you think!

I forgot to mention through all this craziness that Aidan started soilids two weeks ago. Firstly with rice cereal and then he discovered fruit gel, which was a favorite of Ambers, which he has taken a liking to also. It took me two weeks but I have finally started making my own pureed food for him and he seems to be liking everything, except he wasnt that fond of the pumpkin from last night and I cant really blame him there, I am not terribly fond of it either.

I had to laugh though he is so inquisitive he is already trying to feed himself lol, two weeks in and he is already trying to be independant, I think I am going to have a little bit of a challenge on my hands soon. Lucky it is really cute at the moment!
Below is our little man trying to get up on his knees ready to crawl! He is rocking now so watch out world!
And here I was thinking nothing much had really happened over the last couple of weeks. It wasnt until I was downloading the photos that I realised that I did have something to add to the blog. Excessive but that is me all over!
Big Hugs Kylie xx