I know to some people that a pet is just a pet and can't understand or sympathize with people that are grieving over a lost pet, so if you are one of those people please don't read on as I don't want to offend! I am typing this in advance as I know I won't be able to bring myself to type anything tomorrow and as I write tears are welling up in my eyes. Our pet dog snoopy who has been in my husband and my life for nearly 14 years will be heading for his last car journey tomorrow to the vets(a place he has always hated ever since he was a puppy and had meningitis!), and I know I am going to hate taking him this time as it will be his last trip and he just loves going for a drive in the car so it just seems cruel!
We have been hoping and praying every day that life would make that choice for us and that we wouldn't have to make that horrible decision to put him down but it just seems too cruel now as his heart just can't take much more. He finds it harder to enjoy himself with minor activities stretching his endurance and the medication he takes has turned him into a baby!
Snoopy was like my first child my first pet that was mine and mine alone and he went nearly everywhere with us, he was the loyalist and quirkiest pet I have ever had and also had a lot of spunk like most fox terriers and had a fondness for the postie and anyone who dared to trot down our garden path unannounced ankles, so I am sure some people will not miss him quite as much, but once you got to know you him it was basically impossible to get him off your lap!
I have never met a pet that was just desperate to go everywhere with us! I remember once when we had just moved up to Brisbane and we had decided while we were out we would make him be an outside pet so we created a high fence/gate out of wire and it was tall I can tell you, so anyway he was securely in the backyard and we started driving up the street in our Camry with the window down. We stopped at the red light at the top of our street which branched onto a main road and the next thing we know Snoopy was in our lap, he had somehow climbed over the fence and ran up the road and then jumped up the side of the car and through the open window, that is when we decided that maybe Snoopy should be an inside dog lol or risk being run over!
It makes me smile to think about the wonderful times we have had with him and he also helped me loss some of my baby weight after Amber was born as like most dogs walk was his favourite word! Leaving him behind when we went for a walk would have been unforgiveable!
Now water was something that he would happily let you leave him behind on, to say he hated it would be an understatment and it was only when we would wade to far out from the shore that he would have no choice but to dog paddle out to us so we wouldn't leave him behind.
When Amber came along we discovered that Snoopy was a little bit of an adventurist, he just adored going down the slippery slide. He loved going up and down a thousand times over and Amber thought it was just the best thing ever and we got such pleasure from watching both of them!

Good bye my baby and our best mate you were my first and I promise you will never be forgotten as you brought so much unconditional love and happiness into our lives and for that we are eternally grateful.

At 11.45pm today our baby passed away, rest in peace our sweet little boy I hope there are posties in heaven that you can chase love always Kylie, David, Amber and Aidan xx.