Well it was sports day yesterday for the preps through to the year 3's and what can I say but a good day was had by all! My heart was in my throat I was so nervous for her, it is funny how your past can bring up all these memories on days like these! I think I was more nervous than my daughter was!
Expectation, is such a hard thing to handle as a parent, you don't realise when you are a parent how hard it is to hold back on what was once your successful sport(yes hard to believe but I was once a good athlete and sports days were the highlight of my year at school) or subject that you loved and succeeded in may not be where your child's talent and love is! So I find it one of the hardest things as a parent to just step back and be thankful that they are enjoying it so much and that it doesn't matter where they come or how well they do as long as they love doing physical activities and learn about how wonderful it is to work as a team and that the skill of sportsmanship is so much more valuable!
Amber is certainly like me, and not a sprinter so I think her time may come in a couple of years when there are longer distances to contest but if it doesn't that is ok because that was my joy not necessarily hers! So no records were broken but damn she had a fabulous time! They year 2's only had a 60m dash and a fun rotation of ball games, high jump and long jump, with a super tug of war challenge against all the rival house colour teams at the end!
I could not be any prouder as a parent when you hear your child go up to another child and congratulate them on racing so well! And my wish for her in the future is that hopefully one day she will get to experience something like that and if not she has already learnt a beautiful thing that no matter where you come she is a winner for giving it her all and being so gracious in defeat and well I couldn't be a prouder mother because in my eyes my daughter is a winner and my star and she always will be!