We went to Stradbroke Island a couple of weeks ago for a friends 40th birthday and lets just say I have been busting to use my new camera at the beach since I purchased it!
When packing up for the trip this is what went through my head..................."Should I pack the charger for the camera?..........No it should be fine this battery rocks and I have never run out of power yet!...........................Mind you my photography teacher said never leave home with out a spare battery, you never know when you might need it!" Famous last words and why did I not heed the warnings in my head, because I love tempting fate and fate won!
So you can guess what happened when I finally made it down to the beach................yes that is correct my battery ran out of power and all those gorgeous sunset photos and photos of my children in the sand well that is where they will have to stay..............in my head!
Oh well at least we had a fabulous time at our friends place and now that my husband has finally made the trip over and fallen in love with this stunning Island we might have a chance at coming over here again and again and again and next time, well next time I will bring my camera, charger and hopefully a spare battery!
That was by no means the import reason for making a trip to Stradbroke and we had such a wonderful time catching up with friends and it is sad in away that we cannot commit more time to such wonderful friendships! Thanks James, Vicki and girls for such a great weekend! We are looking forward to coming over again soon and having a good catchup!
How gorgeous are these puppies, they are not ours but we couldn't resist having a photo with them!
This was the coolest swing at our friends place, the kids played on it for hours!
I am starting to think we might need to purchase a guitar!