We spent a gorgeous couple of days visiting Davids parents at the end of the Easter holidays. Amber had a Persuasive talk to prepare on her favourite part of Australia, so it was an added bonus visiting her favourite part of Australia while catching up with family. It also gave us an excuse to do all the touristy things we don't normally do when visiting Coffs. A rainbow even made an appearance, so it was just magical!
So this trip included places when living in Coffs Harbour that I would not be caught dead visiting. I will share these photos in a later post, as this post is about my favourite part of Coffs, the Jetty, The Harbour and Mutton Bird Island.
We meet the most gorgeous family in the background of the below photo visiting from Newcastle and the kids both got a treat being spun around like an aeroplane before heading down to the beach.
It was so lovely staying for the sunset even though it was a little cool, the kids still managed to warm themselves up and get a little wet in the end and I got to ogle over the sunset and go mad with my camera!
I can't say that the ensemble that my children were wearing was exactly fashionable, but they were comfortable and had so much fun and that is the most important thing as it enabled them to play uninhibited.