Thank you Amber and Emma you made my day!
We have been living with Jennifer and Adam for half a year now, and Amber and her cousin are just like sisters. Most days they are in love with each other and want to spend every waking hour with each other, but like all siblings they sometimes have their disagreements and fights, but I know they are going to miss each other terribly once we move home. I guess I will miss having my sister around all the time so much also. It has been amazing sharing our pregnancy together being only around 9 days apart, it makes it the extra bit special. I know it must be sad for Julie our other sister who just went through such a sad loss. I won't mention on this blog exactly what, but our thoughts and hearts are with you everyday and we love you dearly. I wish I could be there to help you through this time......just know we are thinking of you always.
On a lighter note, the below photos were taken around easter, Amber and Emma had a wonderful time down at the park......even if her mummy can't brush her hair lol.......being so sick I haven't really cared too much about Ambers appearance and I don't think she minded one little bit either......she is such a scruff bag sometimes!
And on a final note don't kids make fun out of anything.......who needs toys when you have imagination and an esky. I wish they could stay young forever and never loose that innocence that comes with being four. We love you truly are our little ray of sunshine!