Saturday, May 31, 2008

The funny things that kids do!

This is from awhile back, but I just couldn't resist posting these photos. This is our daughter teaching her cousin Emma how to get inside without opening the door, why do it the human way when you can travel like a dog lol. As you can see from the sequence of photos, Emma picked up the technique in speedy time. Children are just amazing in the way they think, it really is outside of the box and I am so thankful that no matter how miserable life can get, they can always make you smile.

Thank you Amber and Emma you made my day!

We have been living with Jennifer and Adam for half a year now, and Amber and her cousin are just like sisters. Most days they are in love with each other and want to spend every waking hour with each other, but like all siblings they sometimes have their disagreements and fights, but I know they are going to miss each other terribly once we move home. I guess I will miss having my sister around all the time so much also. It has been amazing sharing our pregnancy together being only around 9 days apart, it makes it the extra bit special. I know it must be sad for Julie our other sister who just went through such a sad loss. I won't mention on this blog exactly what, but our thoughts and hearts are with you everyday and we love you dearly. I wish I could be there to help you through this time......just know we are thinking of you always.

On a lighter note, the below photos were taken around easter, Amber and Emma had a wonderful time down at the park......even if her mummy can't brush her hair lol.......being so sick I haven't really cared too much about Ambers appearance and I don't think she minded one little bit either......she is such a scruff bag sometimes!

And on a final note don't kids make fun out of anything.......who needs toys when you have imagination and an esky. I wish they could stay young forever and never loose that innocence that comes with being four. We love you truly are our little ray of sunshine!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ambers 4th Birthday!

Well they are not the best photos as I was feeling really green with my morning sickness but thanks to my mum, Amber had a wonderful 4th birthday party. We only had two of her bestfriends and her cousin Emma, but it was fun with a pool party theme. I really have to send my mum and Barry a big thankyou for all their hard work at setting the party up and having it at their place, they put in so much effort to help me out from the party food and party bags down to the gorgeous pool cake, they really did an amazing job in a very small amount of time. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family.

Amber had an amazing day and the weather was perfect for swimming. She absolutely loves the presents that she received from everyone and she especially loves the talking princess vanity that she received from her Aunty Lisa, Uncle Shane, Riley and Ella, Aunty Jen, Uncle Adam and Emma. It really was a prefect day, I just wish that I felt better, I am truly not enjoying this pregnancy and feel so guilty that I cannot spend quality time with Amber and she has been such a little angel and so understanding for a 4 year old, I am so proud of her and feel so proud and fortunate to be part of her life.
I managed to spend my first shared kindy day with Amber for her birthday which was great as I got to meet her fellow kinder friends and teachers and Amber was so excited to have me share the day with her except when it was sleep time then lol she didn't want me anywhere near her(so uncool having your mum lay with you)! I will hopefully be in full swing next year for her 5th birthday, I can't believe my little girl will be going off to big school next year, time really does go way too fast when you have children, but I feel so fortunate that I have had the opportunity to share and stay at home for her first 4 years of life, they have truly been the best years of my life.

Ok I am up to February now lol, and hopefully the next post or so I should be able to catch up, typically the last serveral months have been crazy busy so knowing my luck now that I am feeling better there will be nothing going on in our life lol and nothing for me to post and talk about, we will just have to get out there and live and make some lasting memories happen!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

We Are So Close, but not quite there yet!

Ok the house is not to far from finishing, but we are not quite there yet and there are still soo many decisions to be made. It feels like when your at work and holidays are only a couple of weeks away and they just can't come fast enough!

Amber just took a look at her bedroom(the last photo). and started crying she wants pink and white walls, as I have been informed around two hundred times lol. She is excited now that she understands that her room is yet to be painted and that is not the finished product yet!

I am slowly trying to catch up with all the events that have happened over the last couple of months and I will try and space them out a little so I don't over load our poor blog lol. We have had first day at school and birthdays and so many things happening lately so I will start with Ambers first day at pre-prep.

I have never seen someone so excited to go to school and she really did have a marvellous first day. I can't believe my little girl is starting her schooling journey already, it only seems like yesterday that she was a tiny baby and I was bringing her home from hospital. She is so confiedent now and just loves her teachers Lisa and Bronny, they are just the loveliest teachers and everyone right down to her class and their parents are just a joy to share this special year with.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Its been months but I have a good excuse!

Well as most of my friends and family know we found out at the beginning of the year that we are pregnant with our second child and unfortunately I am just as sick with this pregnancy as I was with my first.

I am nearly 22 weeks along now and we decided to find out the sex this time and I am happy to announce that a little boy is on its way.......ahhhh the pidgeon pair, a boy and a girl. I must admit I was shocked being just as sick as I was with Amber I was sure that I was having another girl!!!! Amber was hoping for another girl and I think sometimes its the parents that want one of each but that it is much nicer for the first child for bonding and friendship to have the same sex. I am sure that Amber will have a loving relationship with her little brother, as she is such a loving and sweet little girl and I know she will shower him with kisses and love!
We are soo close with the house renovations now, but with around only six weeks to just seems to be dragging. There are so many decisions to be made and we have had two long weekends up here in Queensland to help us out but with all the decisions we have had no time to enjoy them as a family. We did manage to sneak off to Wellington Point on Anzac weekend for the day and that was just heaven for us all! The weather was just glorious and Amber really enjoyed having a day out collecting shells and feathers! We really need to get out more and enjoy life. We really appriciate staying with my sister and her husband but it does get very clostraphobic living in two little rooms for so long. They will never know how much we have truly appriciated all they have done for us though!

Well I have promised I would keep everyone up to date on the progress of the house and I am so sorry for the delay, but I could hardly get out of bed in the last couple of months but thanks to new drugs I am now able to get around and function a little better. The house is starting to really take form now and we are starting to get really excited. Mind you the cost has been creeping up also, but hopefully we will be able to manage, things will just be very tight!! So here are the photos and sorry if they are really boring lol!!! We will take more tomorrow as the house is much further along than the below photos sorry!

Well I promise to post more regularly now that I am feeling a little better and so many things have happened in the last couple of months, I thought I would just show a snap shot until next time! Here is just a couple of photos of Amber and her bestie Darcy at the Hi-5 concert. They had an absolute ball but I think the highlight was the air conditioning vents that blew wind up there skirts outside lol!! I will not burden everyone with everything that has happened all at once, as its too much I will do it slowly over the next week, if I haven't put you all to sleep already lol!!!