Amber had an amazing day and the weather was perfect for swimming. She absolutely loves the presents that she received from everyone and she especially loves the talking princess vanity that she received from her Aunty Lisa, Uncle Shane, Riley and Ella, Aunty Jen, Uncle Adam and Emma. It really was a prefect day, I just wish that I felt better, I am truly not enjoying this pregnancy and feel so guilty that I cannot spend quality time with Amber and she has been such a little angel and so understanding for a 4 year old, I am so proud of her and feel so proud and fortunate to be part of her life.
I managed to spend my first shared kindy day with Amber for her birthday which was great as I got to meet her fellow kinder friends and teachers and Amber was so excited to have me share the day with her except when it was sleep time then lol she didn't want me anywhere near her(so uncool having your mum lay with you)! I will hopefully be in full swing next year for her 5th birthday, I can't believe my little girl will be going off to big school next year, time really does go way too fast when you have children, but I feel so fortunate that I have had the opportunity to share and stay at home for her first 4 years of life, they have truly been the best years of my life.

Ok I am up to February now lol, and hopefully the next post or so I should be able to catch up, typically the last serveral months have been crazy busy so knowing my luck now that I am feeling better there will be nothing going on in our life lol and nothing for me to post and talk about, we will just have to get out there and live and make some lasting memories happen!
Ok I am up to February now lol, and hopefully the next post or so I should be able to catch up, typically the last serveral months have been crazy busy so knowing my luck now that I am feeling better there will be nothing going on in our life lol and nothing for me to post and talk about, we will just have to get out there and live and make some lasting memories happen!
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