Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Its beginning to look alot like christmas!

Wow, I can't believe that it is only a day away from christmas eve. David and myself have tried very hard this year to make things up to Amber with a whole lot of christmas fun as last year was a pretty miserable one, with a small christmas tree and with all the renovations going on we didn't manage to do anything that was very exciting in the lead up to the big day at all.

I had to laugh the abov e photo is of Amber at the Wilston State School Carols and she decided to do her own interpritive dances to one of the songs. I think she nearly managed to take out a young boy and endlessly entertain everyone else around her with her unique dance!

Aidan has just discovered how to use his hands and decided that the raindeer ears looked quite fetching!

So this year has been full of christmas carolling and driving around the streets and viewing all the magical christmas lights, even though our own house is not decorated to the hilt like we normally do, I promise to over do it next year in true excessive style and at least the big tree has been dusted off and is up again in all its tinselled glory!

I so love christmas now especially now that I can enjoy it through the eyes of a child, it just makes it that little bit more magical! We have already made two trips into the city, its so lovely that some traditions and things stay the same. I remember seeing the myer christmas windows when I was little so it was such a joy to take Amber in to see them and they are still a special thing to see and a trip on the santa train with a gold ticket handed out before you can jump on board made for an exciting end of the day. She was a very lucky girl to have two trips into the city this with our mothers group and all Ambers little friends and a second trip with my best friend Tracey who we are very lucky to have over at the moment from the United Kingdom and if were lucky we will get her back home for good next year, which would be just wonderful.

We have had such a wonderful time with Tracey and Amber is just totally smitten with her and can't stop talking about her, so hopefully we haven't scarred her for life with two children as company over the last couple of weeks. It has been so lovely having her home and even though we got fried by the sun at South Bank, and dragged her through the city and around the streets viewing all the christmas lights we have savoured and enjoyed every second and hopefully we will be able to share a few more fun filled days together before she has to return to the snow and her hubby!

This time of the year is also a little sad, a few tears came to my eyes(thanks in no part to Ambers teacher Lisa welling up at the beginning of her speech), as were most of the mummies that came along. The year seems to have flown bye and I truly can't believe that she is off to big school next year, she seems way to little to be off to school, but I think she is ready and luckily we found out that 5 of her fellow pre-prepers are going to be in her class next year which is wonderful news that they will all be together once they start their new exciting journey into big school. We will miss her teachers and the families who have helped to make this year such a special one, but hopefully these friendships will continue on in the years to come.

Its funny a girlfriend of mine was teasing me and telling me how much this blog is like a school essay and she is probably 100% right as I do ramble on and although this is totally correct I feel it just wouldn't be me if I didn't go the long way around everything and leave things out, as I want to remember how I felt about this time of my life when I read this back ramblings and all and hopefully my children will be able enjoy it also and have a laugh at there crazy mummy! So heres to embracing my crazy side, I hope I don't bore everyone to much and if so skip over the writing and just look at the ridiculous amount of photos that I post also!

Speaking of wierd things, there seem to be an amazing amount of bugs around with all this wet weather we have been having. There is a stick insect that just keeps coming back even though I keep returning him to the great big world outside, he still keeps managing to make his way back inside. So this is our new pet that we can add to the list of turkeys, lizards and birds that greet us everyday! So I thought I would post a piccy of him. David removed a huge spider from Ambers room today he had been living there for a couple of days but Amber only noticed him today and did not wish to share her room with him any longer. The last photo is of a rhino bettle that scared the life out of my sister when we went looking at the christmas lights last night. It scared the life out of her as it was climbing up the side of her and she didn't know what it was lol.

The beetle that attacked my sister lol!

Our new pet, I think I will call him Boomerang lol!

Well we have had a busy month with the house also, Davids parents have been up again and helping put an extra fence up to keep the dog in and hopefully our little man in once he is up and moving and I don't think that will be to far down the track. We have also started putting turf down at the back. This was a new experience for us and hopefully the turf will survive all our extra love we have been lashing on it.

Aidan is now 12 weeks old and blooming at a fast rate. He has lots of chubby rolls now and he is the happiest little thing, always smiling and laughing and he hardly ever cries, sometimes you forget he is around. He has had a cold for the last couple of weeks thanks to his big sister but he never complains, he is just gorgeous. I had to post a photo of him in his christmas romper as I soaked it and it is now a pretty pink colour. I can't believe how many times he has been called a little girl, personally I think he looks to bouffy to be a girl! I thought I would include this photo for a laugh(don't think he will be laughing when the photo is pulled out at his 21st though). I was at mum and Barrys place a couple of days ago as it was a boiling day and we needed to cool off in the pool and silly me I forgot his swimmers, so my sister thankfully lended me his cousins swimmers. Do you think pink and liliac are fetching colours on him. I am sure I will never live this down in years to come!

Wishing all our family and friends and all my fellow bloggers out there a safe and joyous festive season and a successful and rewarding 2009! I know that 2008 was a very trying year for us but it was also a special one moving into our house and the arrival of our little man, its certainly a year I won't forget!

So cheers to an interesting and fun 2009, I hope its a year full of surprises!

How long is our little ones hair now, he so needs a haircut and he is only 12 weeks old!

Here is our nutty girl in all her glory!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

They say that a busy mind.......

Well I feel like I am spreading myself a little thin these with two makes a huge difference with little or no spare time but our new little arrival is just gorgeous, he is always smiling and happy, I feel so lucky or maybe I am just a little more relaxed this time around.

I understand now why they call this the silly season as our life has just been insane in the last month. David has been away twice and both Aidan and Amber have been sick and there are still soo many boxes and things to unpack and sort out and then of course there is christmas! Haven't even thought about christmas cards yet....I am too busy making wreaths for christmas and finishing Ambers quilt. Big thankyou to Davids parents I have nearly finished the chair which just needs one more coat of varnish and it will be complete, it looks pretty spicky if I say so myself, just don't look to close lol!!!! Well because of all this craziness I have not done too much house work. I have to keep saying to myself that in years to come will I remember how clean my house was or the wonderful memories I could be making with our children.

I was a good girl and stayed up last night and cleaned the bathroom at midnight.....some might say that is insane but anyone that knows us, know that this is quite normal lol!!!

Ambers not even at school yet but the activities and things that have been going on in the last couple of weeks have just been mind blowing! Amber had her first ballet concert this year and with rehersals and practising how to do a bun and makeup(I don't think I will be running away to become a hairstylist or makeup artist in a hurry lol) we have been kept very busy, but it was all worth it and she was just so darn cute up on stage, their production was based on "Cinderella" and everyone was amazing. I am proud of my little girl getting up on stage and not getting stage fright....she was such the little professional and those cat suits were just the cutiest ever!

Ok the last photo is very blurry but we could not us a flash and they were moving so fast across the floor that this was the best I could do and I still think it is really adorable. Ambers best friend and her mummys best friend came along to share Amber's special day and my mum was kind enough to fill in for poor David as he unfortunately got called away to the Solomon Islands for work. At least we will have the dvd soon, so he didn't miss out completely, but it was a beautiful day!

I took a few(quite a few actually lol)photos afterwards, it was such a gorgeous day, just perfect and Aidan was such a good little man sleeping for most of the preformance........mind you some might think that is just down right rude lol!!!

I love the last photo, one day I will take a course as I would love to learn more, but I will have tostart saving for a better camera first which means I need to start selling hard on ebay and that is nearly immposible at the moment as I am finding it hard to even blog at the moment. But hopefully in the new year I can make a good start.

I can't believe Amber is in her last week of pre-prep and that next year she will be off to big school, we went to christmas carols on Sunday night which were at the school, just to get her used to the school she will be going to next year. They had a dress up in school uniform day at pre-prep two weeks ago and Amber was so excited. She looks so grown up in her new uniform and she has already christened it by putting a hole in it lol, if shes lucky it might be mended by the time she starts next year, who knows!!

Well so much has happened in just the last couple of days and too much to put into one post, so hopefully I will get around to posting again in a couple of days! So I will say goodnight and leave like I always do with a couple more piccys of my little angels.

Just had to share this cute one of Aidan and William his cousin!