Well I feel like I am spreading myself a little thin these days........life with two makes a huge difference with little or no spare time but our new little arrival is just gorgeous, he is always smiling and happy, I feel so lucky or maybe I am just a little more relaxed this time around.
I understand now why they call this the silly season as our life has just been insane in the last month. David has been away twice and both Aidan and Amber have been sick and there are still soo many boxes and things to unpack and sort out and then of course there is christmas! Haven't even thought about christmas cards yet....I am too busy making wreaths for christmas and finishing Ambers quilt. Big thankyou to Davids parents I have nearly finished the chair which just needs one more coat of varnish and it will be complete, it looks pretty spicky if I say so myself, just don't look to close lol!!!! Well because of all this craziness I have not done too much house work. I have to keep saying to myself that in years to come will I remember how clean my house was or the wonderful memories I could be making with our children.
I was a good girl and stayed up last night and cleaned the bathroom at midnight.....some might say that is insane but anyone that knows us, know that this is quite normal lol!!!
Ambers not even at school yet but the activities and things that have been going on in the last couple of weeks have just been mind blowing! Amber had her first ballet concert this year and with rehersals and practising how to do a bun and makeup(I don't think I will be running away to become a hairstylist or makeup artist in a hurry lol) we have been kept very busy, but it was all worth it and she was just so darn cute up on stage, their production was based on "Cinderella" and everyone was amazing. I am proud of my little girl getting up on stage and not getting stage fright....she was such the little professional and those cat suits were just the cutiest ever!

Ok the last photo is very blurry but we could not us a flash and they were moving so fast across the floor that this was the best I could do and I still think it is really adorable. Ambers best friend and her mummys best friend came along to share Amber's special day and my mum was kind enough to fill in for poor David as he unfortunately got called away to the Solomon Islands for work. At least we will have the dvd soon, so he didn't miss out completely, but it was a beautiful day!
I took a few(quite a few actually lol)photos afterwards, it was such a gorgeous day, just perfect and Aidan was such a good little man sleeping for most of the preformance........mind you some might think that is just down right rude lol!!!

I love the last photo, one day I will take a course as I would love to learn more, but I will have tostart saving for a better camera first which means I need to start selling hard on ebay and that is nearly immposible at the moment as I am finding it hard to even blog at the moment. But hopefully in the new year I can make a good start.
I can't believe Amber is in her last week of pre-prep and that next year she will be off to big school, we went to christmas carols on Sunday night which were at the school, just to get her used to the school she will be going to next year. They had a dress up in school uniform day at pre-prep two weeks ago and Amber was so excited. She looks so grown up in her new uniform and she has already christened it by putting a hole in it lol, if shes lucky it might be mended by the time she starts next year, who knows!!

Well so much has happened in just the last couple of days and too much to put into one post, so hopefully I will get around to posting again in a couple of days! So I will say goodnight and leave like I always do with a couple more piccys of my little angels.

Just had to share this cute one of Aidan and William his cousin!

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