Now that February has started and I still haven't caught up and got my head around the fact that we are now in the year 2009 (I will work it out by the end of the year lol!). I thought I should make a resolution to get my act together and leave more regular posts on my blog, even if I have absolutely nothing going on in my life (no only joking, I wouldn't put that pain on anyone lol!).
I always say that things will settle down around March, but I must be delusional cause life just seems to be constantly busy these days, maybe that has something to do with the new little man in my life that is now 4 months old and growing at an extraordinary rate. Aidan's length is off the charts at the moment, so watch out world if he keeps this up he is going to be 10 foot tall lol!
Well this is going to be my catch up post doesn't that sound familiar(do I ever have a post that is actually current pmsl)!
So some where in between Christmas and New Year we managed to fit a small trip down to Coffs Harbour to see David's parents. It has been ages since we have taken Amber to the beach and for a trip down to her grandparents place(this was evident when she told me that she could not remember their home, I know it has been a little while but not that long lol) and for some reason she has been talking about going fishing in Opas boat for weeks now. I think she was watching one of those get away shows and thought that the sound of fishing sounded like a lot of fun! So in a couple of days we managed to fit in a fishing trip, an afternoon at the beach and a swim in the next door neighbours pool, plus a morning at the shops.
These photos are from Maclean when we stopped for a break on the way to Coffs!

Our day at the beach!

Amber couldn't wait to get her swim vest on to go fishing, they apparently caught a small fish that Opa told her to kiss and let go, but I think the thought of kissing a fish was more than she could handle lol! It was a very hot day so I think the trip was nearly over before it began and Amber hasn't really mentioned the thought of going fishing again, so she might be over the whole concept now lol! Her excitement at the beginning was just contagious though, I wish I had that passion and love for things like 4 year old has!
We also managed to fit in another Christmas dinner and there was also an amazing storm on the last day that produced some amazing thunder and lightening and I think a couple of houses in the area were affected with the telephone lines going out and David's parents computer blew up(lucky they had a surge protector)! It definitely put on an amazing show though and some gorgeous sunsets after the storm!

Snoopy getting in on the celebration!

I am glad we managed to do at least one thing this holidays and get away for a couple of days, it was really nice to have a trip away our first after a year of renovations and pregnancy, I think it was really healthy for all of us as a family! And hopefully there won't be as big a gap in between this time!
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