Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You colour my world (well your face anyway)!

This is the one down side of having an older sister, there are so many tempting things that a six month old can find and do while mummy isn't watching. Eating from the dog food bowl or pulling down everything from the coffee table (this house is so not ready for a crawlling 6 month old) or the below creation! At least he is colour co-ordinating with his outfit lol! Ahhhh my own little picasso in residence, knock yourself out sweetpea! The things a second child has to do to get your attention lol.

I wonder what our next little excapade will be...............................until then batten down the hatches and pray that there is nothing to harmful in his path!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our house is alive with "The Sound of Music"!

I have such fond memories when I was young of sitting around the T.V. once a year every year to watch a re-run of "The Sound of Music", it became like a tradition in our household and I always had my mum as company, it is still a movie that is close to my heart and certainly a favorite, so it was with some trepidation and excitement that I would come to the day when I could share this little part of my childhood with my daughter and pray that she might share my insane love for films and especially musicals.

All I could think of was "What if she hated it or laughed at me for showing her this prehistoric musical", well I did not need to worry to say that Amber likes it is understatement. We watched it for the first time on Sunday and it is now only Monday and we are on our 3rd viewing and that is an amazing feat as it is 3 hours long lol! Amber sits there from the beginning to the end entranced and makes me pause it when she needs to go for a bathroom break or to refuel.

Now I have the pleasure of hearing her sing "These are a few of my Favorite Things" and "Doe a Deer" around the house, it makes me feel for just a second that I am seven again. I can now say without any doubt that she is 100% my daughter. May "The Sound of Music" and "ABBA", live on forever, well at least until my daughter grows up and realizes how uncool her mummy's taste really is..........................until then I am going to devour every delicious second of this stage!
Here is a little snippet of my daughters interpretation of her two favorite songs lol! We had the pleasure to hearing "I am sixteen.....going on seventeen", around two hundred times on our car trip down to Coffs Harbour, everyone in McDonald's also had the privilege lol!
Sing on sweetheart, you certainly make me laugh!!!!!

I love the conversation that went on after her very reserved rendition of "I am Sixteen going on Seventeen" because the camera was facing her. She certainly beat her mummy to her first kiss (even if it was a slimy one lol). Ahhhhh........ five year olds lol, all I can say is out of the mouths of babes!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Watch out world here comes Super Aidan!

"Super Aidan", as my husband frequently shouts out as he flies him around the room! Its quite appropriate actually as we never saw these super moves coming quite this fast. This boy doesn't muck around.

Aidan is officially crawling now, it was the commando crawl two weeks ago and now its the full fledged crawl (thankfully at a slow pace atm), but that is not the freaky thing, he only worked out how to crawl four days ago and now he is successfully pulling himself up onto furniture. So not ready for this stage at all, Amber was a bum shuffler and took until around 10 to 11 months to start pulling herself up on furniture, so we were totally blindsided and hoping and praying that Aidan would be the same.

Isn't it funny with your first your pushing them impatiently to keep up with what they say in the books and at mothers groups so you don't feel like some sort of failure and in hindsight with your second you realize that they all reach these special milestones at some point in their own sweet time and that it doesn't matter how long the journey takes as long as you enjoy it!

So this time around I was in no hurry exactly the opposite, I knew what was coming and I was certainly in no hurry to get there. I guess that is the surprise as I wasn't expecting this new challenge so early. It is funny what life throws at you, you can certainly say that it's not boring and now I get to experience this stage in a whole different light!
So is mummy up for this new challenge????? Well Mr. is time for mummy to get fit chasing you around lol!!! So watch our world here comes SUPER AIDAN!!!!!!

Just a quick movie of Aidan crawlling, and below is the start of what I call a big headache lol! Lucky he is so darn cute at the moment!

Sorry the last one is a little long, but it is special to us, our little man is no longer a baby, he is growing so fast, we love you Mr Aidan you bring us endless joy and happiness!

Just had to add these last two photos for a laugh, talk about crazy hair, Aidan has already had two haircuts at 6 months of age, and I don't think he is far from haircut number 3 lol, what do you think! Poor thing he won my gene pool (thick, thick, thick hair)!

Monday, April 13, 2009



School makes the excitement with the lead up to Easter that little more thrilling. It amazes me that Amber did not realize that the Easter Bunnies arrival was only hours away, I so thought she would be counting it down with school finishing and all. It just goes to show how carefree and relaxed she really is! I think I was more excited at the prospect of his arrival!

All the preperations and celebrations started at school with the making of the Easter Bonnet (cowboy hat for us), a 7 cent bargain from The Warehouse thank you very muchDot and then all the little prep kiddies spent the last week at school decorating their individual hats this accumulated and ended in the Grand Easter Bonnet Parade around the school. Amber looked so proud and excited marching around the school in her creation. Some of the older kids creations were very impressive I can tell you, it puts the challenge out next year when we have to make the bonnet at home, I can feel a cold sweat working up already at the thought of it lol!!!

Amber and her best friend Greta!

Yeah Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to post this photo of the mummies who were lucky enough to take the prized hats home!

So here we were on the eve of Easter Sunday, we excitedly made our baskets and with gingham ribbon, blue for Aidan of course and pink which was the only option for our little princess and put them at the end of the bed!

Well you should have seen Amber's excitement when she woke up to find the Easter Bunny had been and distributed eggs all over the house. Amber loves an Easter Egg hunt 10 times more than actually consuming the eggs! She is not that obsessed with chocolate which is a blessing with her nut allergy as there are not that many options for nut free chocolate!

The Bunny also brought a Velvet covered Princess Book for Amber and some jammies and swimmers for Aidan, they both did very well for themselves I think!

Forget the Easter eggs Aidan prefers the taste of straw from the basket lol!

Some times it is all just too much and you need a little time out!!!!

We had a lovely breakfast of toast and hot cross buns and then it was off to Grandma's for an all day feast and more eggs to consume and another Easter Egg hunt (even if the wet weather had made the ground a little squishy and muddy, this did not stop the die hard Easter Egg hunters and there was quite a few big people in that list also lol.)!

This was Emma and Amber's feet after the Easter Egg Hunt lol!

I can contest that I certainly ate way to much, but enjoyed every mouth full just the same! It was lovely to see all the babies (the floor was covered in babies, one on the move, and two very close behind), it looked like we were at playgroup lol! Amber and Emma entertained themselves and played beautifully together like they always do. The adults even managed to fit in a game of poker thanks to mum watching all the littlies I don't know how mum managed all the five kidlets, what can I say she is amazing and it was a real treat to play with adults for a change lol!

I wonder what our little man was thinking in the below photo (give me back that alice band I bet lol)!

I just love my daughters fashion sense lol, her Easter polka dot outfit lasted all of 2 hours before she stripped and changed! These two copy cat each other all the time, if one changes this automatically means the other must do the same immediately lol!

I giggle every time I see this photo of Emma (I can imagine a caption above her head saying why have you made me sniff these flowers???)!

The first and last Easter we will probably be able to get these three to keep ears on their heads!

We have had a busy weekend laying turf and cleaning up our storage area, so it was a relief to have Sunday off and we are now back to cleaning up a storm, I don't think we will ever reach the end lol!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter break and that the Easter Bunny was good to you all!

Hugs Kylie xx

Monday, April 06, 2009

Today's the Day the Teddy Bears Have Their Picnic!

What a mad couple of weeks it has been at school we have had a Teddy Bears Picnic, an Easter Bonnet Parade and many more fundraising things to prepare for. We have also had three birthday parties and all I can say is that I am happy that the Easter holidays have finally arrived.
I have to say though the teddy bears picnic was so much fun, I was at the school helping out on several occasions with the preparations for this special event, and I had a ball and the actual day had not even arrived yet!

Amber absolutely loves going to school and is devastated if I even mention missing a day but I am so thankful for the break and the rest from rising early and making lunches and rushing around like an idiot trying to get everyone out the door!

Well the picnic went off with out a hitch and we were entertained with songs and a special little dance that they must have been practising for weeks. All the parents were also invited up to dance with our children thankfully there was no video camera pointed my way lol, I much prefer being behind it rather than in front of it! We then all sat down for a feast of goodies specially made for such an event. Amber invited her favorite teddy bear of the moment which was her beanie bear dressed as a mermaid all pink and aqua which she loves it to death. Teddy even had a sleep over at the school over night ( what a brave teddy she was).

The sad thing about this whole situation is that her teddy bear went missing on the day of the Easter bonnet parade as she wanted to take teddy to school again as she enjoyed it so much the first time and so somewhere in between travelling to school and travelling home she has gone missing. Amber is beside herself and has been upset for the last couple of days. So a search party was sent out and I looked high and low around the house and at school, I even traced the path in which we walked to school to no avail! I begged her not to take it for this reason but I didn't want to squash her excitement seeing it was the last week of school for this term and all!

Thankfully she lost her teddy a week after the picnic and she didn't realise it was gone until after the Easter parade! I am sure I will be searching high and low now in every store trying to replace her! Lets hope I find one as sleep time has been a little more challenging over the last couple of days. I know it is a hard lesson to learn and the teddy probably shouldn't be replaced to teach her a lesson, but when it is a sleep companion it just doesn't seem fair!

The picnic was still a lovely celebration of her first term at school and it was great to see how far they had all come in such a short amount of time. Amber's has a lovely class and all the children seem to get along famously. Amber adores her teachers and talks about them both all the time. It is such a magical sound hearing children laugh and giggle with glee it makes you want to go back in time so you could relive such simple pleasures without all the complications of being an adult! Don't you wish you could bottle that kind of excitement and joy, I know I do!
Thank you for the fun and entertaining day Amber, I especially loved the "Beetle in the Bathroom" song it was a favourite and I am crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that magic does happen and that your teddy suddenly turns up out of nowhere to put that smile back on your face where it truly belongs!

Have a bearalious day everyone!!!!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

New Brighton or Bust!

Well a big thank you to Mum and Barry for inviting us to share their little get away at New Brighton Beach over the weekend. David is still away and it has been a crazy two weeks, we have had three birthday parties a weekend away near the sea, a teddy bears picnic and that is just the interesting stuff!

We nearly didn't make it down the coast, it nearly was the bust option lol, there were several times when we were driving that I nearly talked myself into turning around and heading home. On the Saturday we had swimming lessons in the morning for Amber and I had to return some items to the supermarket, then in the afternoon we had Oliver a classmate and pal of Amber's at schools birthday party, then it was a quick dash home to finish packing and head out the door (well that was the plan anyway), several hours later and I am still struggling to pack, Amber didn't want to leave the birthday party as she finally had the jumping castle to herself lol, even though it was her idea to head down the coast to visit Grandma and Poppy B on there holiday!

Ambers class is such a lovely group of children but they all still have their individual moments which I am coming to understand when I spend time up at the school, it is what makes life so exciting I guess! It makes you realise that emotionally they really are very little and have so many life lessons to learn!

Amber had a few semi melt downs at the party, she is such a sensative young lady, I feel partly to blame their as it is a family trait, we all seem to be extremely sensative on my mums side of the family, it is wonderful in some ways as we feel deeply and have great compassion but it can be a bit of a problem sometimes, and even though I know where her tears are coming from I struggle to deal with it as I am not very good at fixing my own problems when it comes to these sensativities, let alone my daughters.

Everyone always goes oh she must be just tired as they are all so little, but the truth is she just wants everyone to play fair and be kind to each other and unfortunately that not the way the way that the world truly is, it is more of a dog eat dog world and it is a hard lesson to learn and understand. Oh well we muddled through it this time, I guess that is a part of growing up!

By the time we finally hit the road it was quite late and if there is one thing I hate it is travelling in the dark when it is wet and raining and that is exactly what our trip ended up being about plus add an emotional baby to the mix and you have fun, fun, fun lol! I have to say Aidan is one of the happiest little babies, but not that night, so what was meant to be a less than 2 hour journey ended up taking around 3 hours with a stop at McDonald's much to my disappointment but to Amber's joy lol!

With such an auspicious start we finally made it to our destination with a slight wrong turn, in the dark and with my sanity barely in tact and feeling just a little bit water logged but we finally made it ................................yahhhhhhh!

A picture can tell a thousand words can't it, it looks like Aidan is sitting back and enjoying a puff on a cigar lol. Hopefully that is as close as he ever gets to that idea lol! I can just hear him say "Play it again Sam"..................giggle!!!!

Great Poppy with two of his great grandchildren!

It ended up being one of those days where we happened to have luck on our side as it rained on and off all Sunday, but we managed to dash off to the beach twice without a single drop hitting us! Amber and myself just adore the beach, I love taking the camera with me and I end up going snap crazy and Amber loves to frolic and pose lol! I would really love a dslr camera, it gives me inspiration to get cracking with my selling on ebay so I can then save up and hopefully purchase myself one. I really love taking photos, I am no good at it, but I love practising lol!

I wish hubby could have been here to share this holiday with us, but unfortunately he was still away working his arse off to keep us fed and sheltered, he would have loved the fact that there was a pool table where we were staying (a favorite pass time when he was a struggling uni student). Amber was dying to have a go, so under severe supervision we allowed her to have a twirl and prayed that the cue wouldn't meet the green felt and find its way through!

Amber wanted to stay an extra night, so I thought it would be ok to take a mental health day off school, unfortunately it rained all night and into the next morning so there where no more trips to the beach but on the way home we stopped in to Aunty Jen's so Amber could have another play with Emma.

We had a gorgeous time away it was a shame that hubby missed out (there is a little in joke within our family though, we only go away and do special things when David is away), so where should we go next time lol! Lucky he is a good sport about it all. We miss you honey, we know you would rather be here than working over overseas!

All in all we had a lovely time away it is always nice having a semi holiday away with family.............we need to do these things more often, that's what life is all about isn't it??? Hopefully next time we can wrangle the whole family to come along! It was a nice way to say goodbye to summer before the cooler autumn days start creeping in!

I had to post these photos in sequence cause my two cherubs just crack me up sometimes!

I just adore the above photo it was the reaction to what ever Amber whispered in Aidan's ear lol, I can just imagine what she was saying knowing my daughter it was something extremely silly and very much what a 5 year old would imagine up!

Our little man is growing up so fast, this was his last sleep in his capsule in the car.........on to a forward facing seat now.................very grown up and very sad before I know it I will be waving goodbye as I drop him off to school, gone already is the little baby I used to craddle (actually he was never that tiny lol!).

I had to sign off with this final photo I think it explains it all really, I hope your day is as crazy as Aidan's face lol! Have fun and keep smiling Kylie xx.