What a mad couple of weeks it has been at school we have had a Teddy Bears Picnic, an Easter Bonnet Parade and many more fundraising things to prepare for. We have also had three birthday parties and all I can say is that I am happy that the Easter holidays have finally arrived.
I have to say though the teddy bears picnic was so much fun, I was at the school helping out on several occasions with the preparations for this special event, and I had a ball and the actual day had not even arrived yet!
Amber absolutely loves going to school and is devastated if I even mention missing a day but I am so thankful for the break and the rest from rising early and making lunches and rushing around like an idiot trying to get everyone out the door!
Well the picnic went off with out a hitch and we were entertained with songs and a special little dance that they must have been practising for weeks. All the parents were also invited up to dance with our children thankfully there was no video camera pointed my way lol, I much prefer being behind it rather than in front of it! We then all sat down for a feast of goodies specially made for such an event. Amber invited her favorite teddy bear of the moment which was her beanie bear dressed as a mermaid all pink and aqua which she loves it to death. Teddy even had a sleep over at the school over night ( what a brave teddy she was).
The sad thing about this whole situation is that her teddy bear went missing on the day of the Easter bonnet parade as she wanted to take teddy to school again as she enjoyed it so much the first time and so somewhere in between travelling to school and travelling home she has gone missing. Amber is beside herself and has been upset for the last couple of days. So a search party was sent out and I looked high and low around the house and at school, I even traced the path in which we walked to school to no avail! I begged her not to take it for this reason but I didn't want to squash her excitement seeing it was the last week of school for this term and all!
Thankfully she lost her teddy a week after the picnic and she didn't realise it was gone until after the Easter parade! I am sure I will be searching high and low now in every store trying to replace her! Lets hope I find one as sleep time has been a little more challenging over the last couple of days. I know it is a hard lesson to learn and the teddy probably shouldn't be replaced to teach her a lesson, but when it is a sleep companion it just doesn't seem fair!
The picnic was still a lovely celebration of her first term at school and it was great to see how far they had all come in such a short amount of time. Amber's has a lovely class and all the children seem to get along famously. Amber adores her teachers and talks about them both all the time. It is such a magical sound hearing children laugh and giggle with glee it makes you want to go back in time so you could relive such simple pleasures without all the complications of being an adult! Don't you wish you could bottle that kind of excitement and joy, I know I do!
Thank you for the fun and entertaining day Amber, I especially loved the "Beetle in the Bathroom" song it was a favourite and I am crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that magic does happen and that your teddy suddenly turns up out of nowhere to put that smile back on your face where it truly belongs!

Have a bearalious day everyone!!!!
Amber is so lucky to have such a good mummy who takes the time to go and help with her school activities and share in the wonderful school memories, I know it means the world to Amber to have mummy or daddy there to share the happy times...luv grandma xo
I am trying to fit in as many events as possible before she discovers that it is not cool to have your mummy up at school lol. Thanks for the gorgeous comments Mum love you Kylie xx.
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