Life is a funny creature, I had big plans while David was away in the Solomon Islands for work and I had many goals which sometimes make me wonder if I have rocks in my head for thinking that I would actually manage to achieve any of these goals with a five year old about to head back to school and a one year old..............well just being a one year old, but I am a list maker and it always gives me great satisfaction to cross things off my list even if that doesn't happen very often and well that is basically where I think that I keep going wrong as I put way to many things on those lists so when something unexpected happens which it always does my plans seem to come crashing down into a heap which is silly really cause that is life!
This sounds all very dramatic in the scheme of things and that is the funny thing about life I think we get sent these lessons in life to teach us to slow down and reevaluate what is truly important in life! I don't know if these lessons will stop me making lists but I am trying to slowly learn to actually listen to what my body is telling me, and basically it is telling me to slow down as I am no spring chicken any more and don't fuss about the little things! As low and behold with only a week into David being away I was struck down with another bout of guardia and then I pulled a muscle in my shoulders which has rendered me.................well basically useless and majorly frustrated. One of the things on my list was to blog every day so I can catch up with all the events that have happened since August that I have missed out on since life has got in the way (how rude of it lol!) and made what was a little job a now majorly impossible one oh and I forgot to add the number three bad thing that happened this week I got a flat tyre as I was getting Aidan in the car to pick up Amber from school just the other day, I am hoping and praying that that will be the end of my bad luck lol.....................I think I must have killed a china man or two lol!
But I can say that David will be back on Monday after three weeks away and that even though I got absolutely nothing done and that it drove me crazy laying around the house looking at the mess, I tryed to look the other way and rest and let my body try and heal itself, it hasn't exactly recovered very well, but I think it is hard to rest a shoulder with a one year old wanting you to pick them up all the time, but I have tried and the important thing is that I have learnt that when people reach out to help, let them, so even though my friends and my sister don't usually read this blog I want to send out a big thank you to Dot, Linda and to Jennifer without your love and support and basically picking up Amber from school in her first week back and for taking Aidan for the day to help me recover that with out you all I would be lost and well I think I would be one big crying mess on the floor, you guys saved my life this week and I only hope one day I will be able to return the favour!
I cannot complain though as my children have both been well and full of energy and we still managed to get Amber off to what is now her first year as a big girl in year one! Aidan keeps adding to his teeth, we had two surprise molars arrive over the last couple of weeks, and here I was waiting for his fourth bottom tooth to arrive......................I am still waiting lol as to my surprise the molars decided to arrive first!
But I am getting way ahead of myself, as I am still back in 2009 lol, lets hope it doesn't get any worse or I might be blogging about 2009 in well 2011 at the rate I am going!
So here is a couple of funny videos and a bit of a time capsule of 2009 with Aidan, Amber and Darcy getting down to Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies", yes it has been done before but I thought this was just too cute and quite giggle worthy imo lol! Ah children they are truly a breath of fresh air! Doesn't Amber look like an old granny on Darcy's scooter lol, I just love it!
I have to say goodbye also to mums sewing machine recently, I have never been a sewer and I was certainly not interested at school but something happened just before I had Aidan, I decided I needed to conquer and find something new that I could achieve that well didn't break the piggy bank and that made me happy, and sewing for some reason fit the bill which is very strange if you know me, so mum kindly lent me her sewing machine and well the rest is history, I am still learning and I haven't even looked at a pattern yet lol, so I can't say that my creations are ground breaking or anything but I get a joy from making and creating something from scratch and it is so lovely to find something that I can achieve that is tangible and semi useful that has not been destroyed by little hands lol, like the lovely task of trying to keep the house clean! The sewing machine has now made its way back to mum after just over 12 months and David decided I really should have my own machine, so I ended up with quite an early birthday present seeing my birthday is not until March but with how busy I have been I probably won't have much of a chance to touch it until then anyway lol! Thank you so much mum for the lend of your machine and for your inspiration and support with yet another one of your zany daughters ideas!
Yes shock horror the above is a photo of one of the first things I managed to sew, yes the skirt is a little dodgy brothers but it is just for play and Amber loves it which is a good thing with my new sewing machine she is probably going to get a truck load more of her mothers crazy creations and hopefully I manage to improve a little on the way too! I also made the fairy halo that Amber is wearing in another fit of inspiration lol! In the other photos I was showing Amber how to sew for a show and tell project for her at school isn't that a laugh talk about the blind leading the blind! My next project if I am successful and don't totally botch it up, is a rara skirt lol, I have found one that I adore that is made by the children's brand Room Seven so if I can achieve anything even close to that I will be a happy little mummy, oh well its good to have dreams isn't it lol!!!!

The above photo of the Room Seven Sammy skirt is thanks to My Little Darlings Boutique!
Well that is August nearly covered, I can hopefully move on to the next post of William, Makayla and Aidan and their 1st birthdays..............what do you mean they are nearly two lol!!!!!!!
And to anyone that makes lists, keep on keeping on as they do work sometimes I know I am going to keep plugging away at mine, and maybe just maybe one day I will succeed and finish just one of those where was I, let me see, August check......................!
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