I just had to share this site with my fellow bloggers! I just adore all their free buttons and pretty things for my blog and everything on their blog is free!
Take a look and share in all their yummy talented and beautiful art and photography!
I have started this blog for all the family and friends that live interstate and overseas, so they get to share with us in our lives and to watch our little girl and boy as they grow, so we are never truly far away or apart, all our love xx!
My daughter has now become part of the blogging world with her own seperate blog, so this introduction is for both of us!
I started my blog several years ago to share our lives with family and friends far and wide! And now I am lucky enough to have made some wonderful new blog friends along the way!
Now my daughter gets to tell her story in her own words thanks to her inspirational teacher Mrs.Wilson, I can't wait to find out how a seven year old sees the world!
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