Well that leaf well and truly shrivelled and up and died lol! What a year, I can't believe it has taken me a full year to blog again! It has been a strange year, in which I was struck down with a cold that took me 9 months to shake off, this left me uninspired to basically do anything except sleep in my spare time, as Aidan has truly slotted well into his position of an active 2 years old, throwing up many challenges in the process, it has not left much time for well anything else really. I am certainly not complaining though as I have two very healthy and most of the time happy children.
Amber is loving year two and has the most adorable, sweet and utterly gorgeous teacher! Now I just need to convince her to move to year three next year with us and life will be super perfect lol! I seem to be spending a good majority of my day up at school helping with various things where ever I can! I am sure Jacqui is well and truly sick of seeing my face! Aidan's fan club is increasing constantly with a new gaggle of groupies this year adoring his every move! I don't know what he is going to do when the attention and the cuteness goes away!
Well Amber's after school activities just seem to keep growing, which is not helping her poor mother in any way! We have decided that we are going to cut back on a lot next term, to give her a bit of a break and so basically she can just be a kid and play a little more, or maybe its so I can get something else done besides driving her around!
We started Little Athletics last year and Amber just has the best time, I have to admit, I have also had a wonderful time and it brings back some wonderful memories from my childhood when I used to run and and race walk as a sport! We had our final club day this afternoon which finished in a pizza party and a trophy and certificate presentation!
It was a lovely afternoon even if it rained and we spent the whole afternoon in the club house and too my surprise and to Amber's also she won a trophy for most improved athlete in the junior division no mean feat as per attendance she had the most personal best times than any other girl athlete in the u6's, u7's and u8's, I am so proud of her as she tries so very hard every week and even though she is usually some where near the back she works hard and is always at training and has been improving nearly every single week and most importantly she never gives up!
I am so proud of my baby and she is the one that has inspired me to start blogging again and deserves a big mention in this post! So congratulations Amber we are all so very proud of you for giving everything 100% effort all the time, may the sky be the limit in everything you do!
The icing on the cake and what was a big surprise this afternoon and something I still can't believe is that, I myself received an award for best volunteer parent award for the 2010/2011 season for little athletics for all the marshalling and help over the season! What a surprise as I do it because I love being part of my daughters life and it is a whole lot of fun plus the kids are just great!
Well like always I can rattle on for pages about all the things that have and haven't happened over the last 12 months, but I will save everyone the pain and just be thankful that we are all a little older and hopefully a little wiser and looking forward to a fun and busy 2011 and maybe just maybe I might manage to blog more than once a year lol, don't hold your breath!
Wow, so very proud of both of our girls, well deserved for all the effort you have both put in. It is so nice to be recognised.'It brings back old memories of your little athletics days Kylie, how history repeats itself sometimes.
Love to you both and congratulations...Mum and poppy B.xx
Kylie, you are a true champion because you are a hard worker and a quiet achiever. You dont really expect rewards for being a great Mum but you have been recognised for that and you truly deserve it.
It is not the most glamourous or highly honoured profession BUT IT SHOULD BE!! ( Sorry for shouting!)
Anyway, you know I think you are the best and you and your gorgeous blonde cuties will continue to bring warm smiles to everyone around you... And, well done Amber!
She is a littler trooper. LOve the story of leaving her running shoes behind that day.....but still she won her trophy for the season and that's fantastic recognition for all her effort ( and yours) so it makes little things like that just fade into the background.... lol!
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