I am so happy to finally see some sunshine again, after last weeks down pour and 10 loads of washing later, it was wonderful to say goodbye to the much needed rain and bring on the sunshine! It has pushed our dams up to nearly 80%, it is hard to imagine that only two years ago we were in the middle of the worst drought that we had ever seen.
Honestly all they needed to do was ask us to renovate cause as soon as we started building the rain began to fall and has been falling ever since. So next time we are in a drought Brisbane and you need some rain give us a call lol, I am sure that we can help out!
It hard to believe that in Amber's life time until recently she never really understood and got to experience rain and storms are all about. I can finally say that she now understands what her gumboots and umbrella are used for and she is loving every second she is allowed out in it.
The children were so excited at school when the prep area started to flood they were making any excuse possible to get out there in the middle of it! I think half of the playground nearly ended up in their classroom, but they thought that was awesome.
I feel terrible but on the way home Amber impulsively jumped into the gutter with her school shoes and socks, and I wasn't very impressed, but if I had thought about it and just how tempting something like that would be for a 5 year old I might have joined her and not been such a party pooper. It might of had something to do with the fact that our garage flooded as well as Davids office downstairs, so I had spent half the day sweeping water away, so I was a little over it all especially with our little man continually making his way outside and crawling in it all.
Don't get me wrong I love the sound of rain especially since I missed hearing it for such a long time with the drought, but since we seem to flood in the office and in our garage now every time we have a heavy rain, instead of the peace it normally gives me now the sound of heavy rain sends a panic down my spine.
Well I spoke to soon, the rain has now returned and is here to stay for the week. Thankfully it has only been light rain, it is certainly an amazing change for Brisbane I have never seen such a wet Autumn.
As they say when in Rome do as the Romans do! Well seeing I am a movie buff and musicals are my thing, I will grab my umbrella and as Gene Kelly did, I will start Singin' In the Rain!!!!