It was an interesting journey down as we decided to go inland from Brisbane and that happened to be the windy way! Not very smart as we had just filled up with the normal stop as requested by Miss Amber at McDonald's, so in the end I think we had to stop a total of 5 times as someone was feeling a little green.
For some reason I don't get car sickness and can catch up on a little reading on the way down. Its a funny thing really as I am one of those people that feels ill when I am over tired and I was violently ill with both of my pregnancy to the point of being bed ridden, so I am clueless as to why I can be on the windiest road ever and not even feel a twinge or pang in my stomach. Unfortunately I can not say the same for Amber, well we finally made it onto a main road and she was cured, that's when the baton was handed over to Aidan, it was now his turn to melt down lol! Ahhhh what would a road trip be without a few dramas and a whole lot of pain lol!
We finally made it and it only took 8 hours lol, not bad for a trip that usually takes around 5 hours but I can safely say that everyone arrived in one piece even if mummy and daddy's sanity had gone missing and half of our hair on our head had been pulled out lol!
We went down on the Queensland May Day weekend so it has taken me a little while to blog this as it has been a crazy busy couple of weeks and with the arrival of Aidans first tooth which is very exciting, but also means I have had quite a few nights of broken sleep, so I have been a little shattered lately lol, hence the lack of effort (to do anything productive at all actually lol)!
Thankfully the rest of the weekend away was lovely and it was nice to catch up with David's parents. Amber was so excited to see her Oma and Opa, it would have been devastating if for some reason we did not make the trip down there.
We finished off our weekend at the beach, it is like a tradition, we cannot go to Coffs Harbour without taking a trip to the beach. Its funny when we lived in Coffs Harbour we hardly ventured down to the beach ever but now that we don't live close to the sea, we are literally busting at the seams to spend some time on the sand!
We went down on the Queensland May Day weekend so it has taken me a little while to blog this as it has been a crazy busy couple of weeks and with the arrival of Aidans first tooth which is very exciting, but also means I have had quite a few nights of broken sleep, so I have been a little shattered lately lol, hence the lack of effort (to do anything productive at all actually lol)!
Thankfully the rest of the weekend away was lovely and it was nice to catch up with David's parents. Amber was so excited to see her Oma and Opa, it would have been devastating if for some reason we did not make the trip down there.
We finished off our weekend at the beach, it is like a tradition, we cannot go to Coffs Harbour without taking a trip to the beach. Its funny when we lived in Coffs Harbour we hardly ventured down to the beach ever but now that we don't live close to the sea, we are literally busting at the seams to spend some time on the sand!
The kids had a ball, Aidan got up close and personal with the sand, touching it, digging in it and most importantly eating it lol, we were seeing sand in his nappy for days! Amber has inherited her mothers love for fossicking for treasures, and we worked on her alphabet with her name in the sand (who said going to the beach couldn't be educational!).
I have to laugh though, when we arrived at the beach Amber did not want to venture very far at all. The poor little thing last time we were at the beach she was playing in the water and a freak wave knocked herself and my mum over! Well mum was pissing herself laughing flat on her bottom and Amber was like a tumbleweed rolling nearly all the way to the shore (thankfully her Uncle Adam rescued her!). But this incident was still clearly in her mind and she wasn't going to have a bar of that mean ocean! You can see this in the below photo, it took daddy quite a bit of convincing to get those tootsies wet!
I have to laugh the above stick came home with us, she is such a little hoard like her mum and dad!
Amber with some of her treasures!
Amber was also very curious about the tiny little crabs that scuttle along the beach. She was a bit worried that all these little crabs had larger mummies hiding somewhere close by and that they were going to come out and get her lol!
WE had a gorgeous time away and Amber and Aidan loved seeing and spending time with their grandparents. A couple of days went by all to fast and before we new it we were back in the car and heading anxiously home (praying that our trip home would hopefully be a little faster and a little less chaotic lol)! Thankfully it was!
1 comment:
Kylie you have such a great talent
with your photography, the photos
of your week-end in Coffs are just
beautiful, so pleased you all had such a good week-end you have to cease these special moments in life
when your family can be together, they are very specaial...luv Mum xo
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