It has only taken me two weeks to post this and it has nothing to do with it not being a special day and meaning so much to me, it has just been a very busy couple of weeks and with a little one teething, I have been getting very little sleep so the last thing on my mind has been doing anything on the computer, usually it is just getting through the routine stuff and then dragging my butt to bed to catch at least a couple of hours of broken sleep.
I know some mummies are fortunate enough to have babies that sleep through the night no matter what is happening but when you co-sleep you're just a little too aware when they stir and are unhappy. Not that I am complaining, when Aidan was a baby I was fortunate enough to just roll over and feed and then we could both go back to sleep.
I guess it doesn't really bother me very much any more, I don't get up set like I did with Amber about lost sleep and loss of my time to myself. I guess that is the sacrifice of being a mum, and not that you could really call it a sacrifice as a privilege that I get to share those first magical years with my two darling children and that includes the good and the not so good. They grow up so very fast, so I guess what I am saying is this is what mothers day means to me it's getting to spend those special moments with my children and feeling fortunate enough that for me it is mothers day every day of the year and how truly blessed I am to spend every magical day with my children.
What better words can you hear than when your child first tells you how much they love you or hearing for the first time the word mum ma. I might hear it two hundred times a day now..........but I will never get tired of knowing that my children need me and love spending time with me.
Well what a lucky mummy I am, my mothers day started on Thursday night up at Amber's school and then didn't finish until I picked up my presents the weekend after. I am one lucky mummy. Even if i did select my own presents lol.
It was so sweet of Amber's teachers to put on such a lovely evening, for all the mummy's in Amber's class, it truly made me feel very special. It was strictly Mummy's and their school child only which was really nice, to have some one on one time with Amber, as it is very rare these days. Amber's teachers Mrs. Argayris and Mrs. Bee must have worked tirelessly the weeks leading up to the night as we were showered with beautiful things.
When we arrived we were greeted with a special hand made red rose followed by a photo with your respective child then we were placed in our allocated seat where the children had made the tablecloths with lovely handmade vases with more paper flowers one for each mummy on each table and a place card with our names on them. We were then treated to some special songs that the children had been rehearsing (amber accidentally let a couple of songs slip on one or two occasions) followed by a special dance that we all had to join in on.
We were then served mini quiches and love heart shortbread washed down with some iced tea. The night was then finished off with a lovely power point presentation with a photo of myself and Amber with a caption underneath with why their mummy is special to them. Amber said because I gave her snuggle whuggles and you gave me a special cd (cd is what she calls a dvd for some reason and it was "The Sound of Music lol).
Now if this didn't make you cry the Celine Dion song they played while showing this did. Amber's teacher then read us a book about a mother and her son as he grew up and left home.............still sobbing just thinking about that book lol and if this was not enough we were given a decorated box with a verse on the side. If the power point presentation or the book didn't tear you up than this verse surely would do the trick! By the way it doesn't take me much to cry, it is one of my many talents lol!
This is a very special gift
That you can never see.
The reason it's so special is
It's just for you from me.
Whenever you are happy,
Or even feeling blue.
You only have to hold
This gift and know
I think of you.
You can never open it
Even if you tried.
Just hold the box close
To your heart,
It's filled with love inside.
We were also presented with a portrait of ourselves that our child had painted. How glam am I lol, looking very blond also, maybe Amber wishes I looked a little more like herself. She is so thoughtful though she knows that my favorite colour is blue and that I love wearing dresses or skirts.
Big, big thank you to Amber and her teachers, you made one mummy feel like the most special mummy in the whole wide world.
On a similar note, I had to include this photo of what Amber purchased for me from the mother's day stall at the school. A coffee mug and a satchel of coffee and a milky way. Now the mug is very cute with the slogan "my mum rocks", but my daughter obviously does not know the fact that I don't drink coffee lol and never have. I do love it so though as I can drink my occasional mug of tea that I have and well the chocolate went down a treat and the coffee well some special visitor will hopefully win that with there next coffee at my place. Amber made me smile several days later when I made us both a cup of tea, Amber remarked "Mummy would you like me to bring the tea over to you?" in which I replied "That would be lovely thank you darling!". She then came back a minute later saying that she couldn't bring the cup over as it was too special and she was too scared that she would break it. This is when I realized she must have spent at least a little while thinking about what special thing she would select for me.
I was also lucky enough to receive breakfast in bed on the day even if the pancakes they made me were served up with golden syrup instead of mayple syrup, I was still very lucky to have breakfast made for me. This was followed by my lovely gift of a gardening tool set which Amber needed to help me unwrap.
The day was finished off perfectly with a picnic in the park down the Gold Coast, with my mum and Barry, Jennifer, Emma and Makayla and Alex, Belle and William. It was a one of those perfect autumn days that the South East of Queensland has and it was a perfect opportunity to take advantage of this. Amber hasn't had many opportunities to ride her bike that she was given off Mum and Barry for her birthday, so we took it along and she thoroughly enjoyed the chance to practice some much needed riding skills.
It was an interesting park with a lake and a playground, but it also had like a fantasy feel to it, with a sculpture of Bigfoot (Amber was a little freaked out by this, it took a little coaxing to get her to sit on his feet lol) and waterfalls with little bridges and peacocks, it felt a little Alice in Wonderlandish!

We had a fabulous day, and we will definitely have to come back again for another visit. It was so nice to share mothers day with some other mummies. Thanks for a simply delightful day!
I consider myself one very lucky, fortunate mummy and lucky for me I also received two other items that I really wanted off ebay lol, a lovely calico egg and two blue bottles to add to my very blue and white kitchen and living room. Ok I know this is cheating and had nothing to do with luck but it is something i really wanted lol, and yes I know its another dust collector!
I know this post was very long winded but even though this special day is all locked up and forever stored inside my head, I want my daughter and son to know how much this mothers day truly meant to me.
As my mug says "Mum you rock", so do you sweetheart. I love you my precious very thoughtful sweet little angel you made my week truly magical. I love you both to the moon and back and a big snuggle whuggle to you and throw in an extra whuggle also!
I've just read all about your truely wonderful mothers day, what a wonderful school Amber goes to, I can never remember your teachers going to that much trouble for mothers day, it is just lovely.
Ambers first mothers day from her school days is very special, I used to simply love the special gifts picked out from the mothers day stall or a special card made just for me. These moments in life are so very special to a mum.
Once again Kylie you have such a special way with words and I know your children are going to look back on this one day and know how very very lucky they are to have you as their mum, I am priveledged to have you as my daughter. hugs and kisses...mum xo
Ok mum you just made me ball, which as I mentioned in this post I am very talented at lol!
I think this is a very strong trait in our family lol, I think it goes back generations. All I can say is I hope that I can be half as good a mum as you were to me!
I hope you had a special day and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the greatest gift a mother could ever give and that is your love and your time and you gave all this and so much more.
Words can not express how much you mean to me.
Thank you for such a special MOTHERS DAY, love you, love you, love you so very very much Kylie xx
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