In the first year of a baby's life every week brings a brand new surprise and Aidan decided to throw a couple our way this week. We now have two teeth and a new word added to our vocabulary and an appropriate one seeing Mothers Day was only a couple of weeks ago. It is always amazing when you finally hear your name gurgled out for everyone to hear for the first time!
Mummy is hardly ever the first word muttered out of most babies mouths, which is a strange thing seeing they spend most of their time with you(no offence to all the daddies that stay at home with their children). But I guess truth be told I don't talk that much about myself when we are together, throughout the day our conversations usually lend themselves toward "When daddy comes home!" or "Lets go pick Amber up from school", so it is not surprising really that mummy is usually number three or four on the list. It doesn't stop me from feeling all fuzzy inside and thrilled to bits from my head to my toes every time I hear it. I know that the novelty will wear off when he is following me down the hall way continuously repeating it over and over again but at the moment I think he is the ants pants!
Aidan has just reached that age where he is becoming very aware of who I actually am and that I am not just the local milk bar, this is in evidence by the little shadow that follows me around the house now, but I am very lucky as sometimes when I decide to stop and turn around I receive a special little cuddle which always brightens the dullest of days! Boys are so cuddly!
Well hoping there are a few nights with sleep coming my way lol............Now i wonder whether that little man will let me capture a photo of those new toothy pegs.......................................................
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