Saturday, March 28, 2009

A glimpse at life!

Sometimes life just seems way to surreal! I have been catching up on a few blogs lately, and its made me realise how truly lucky I am to have two healthy and hopefully happy children. There are so many families out there that have suffered such terrible loss through the death of a child, I can only imagine the pain and torture of loosing someone you love so much and so dearly.

Its funny how people go on and on about not realizing real true deep selfless love until you have children. I really would throw myself in front of a bus or go to the ends of the earth to protect my children from getting hurt if I could. It is such an indescribable feeling, I would do anything for them absolutely anything. I guess that is why the tears flowed so freely when both Amber and Aidan entered this world. I can truly say I have never felt such pure love as I did at that moment when I first lovingly gazed into there eyes and held there tiny little hands in mine.

I have always been attracted to the nursery rhyme "Twinkle twinkle little star" and it is the song I have always sang to comfort both my children. They are my little stars and they both twinkle oh so brightly. Amber was so fascinated when she was little by the moon and the stars, we would often go out at night and just stare for hours up in the sky watching them twinkle and shine. We are certainly a nocturnal family and maybe that is why we all seem so calm and in our happy place when we go for our evening walks every night. Aidan is only 5 months old but I have never heard him whinge once when we go for our walks.

I know that sometimes I spoil them a little too much but it comes from a pure place and it brings me so much joy making them smile or when they jump for joy at the prospect of something that seems so trivial to us as adults. So this post is for my two amazing children, you bring a smile to mummy and daddy's face and bring endless sunshine into our world every single day, thank you my sweet, sweet darling little girl and boy you have captured our hearts and our minds and for that we feel so truly blessed. We feel so fortunate that we get to share our lives with you both and we cherish every minute of the day that you choose to share with us.......may snakes and ladders live on forever.

We love you both to the moon and back always xx.


Do you have this in pink? said...

Who cares if you spoil them too much!! I'm all for spoiling, I', actually terrible really, but hey how can you help it when you love someone more than you ever thought possible?
And your right, when you read different blogs and realise just how hard some things are that people have to endure you think, so I spoil them big deal. Your kids are so gorgeous no wonder you adore them.....

Kylie and Amber said...

Thanks Em your gorgeous and always make me feel good about some of my decisions. I do find it hard sometimes as society seems to judge you on everything these days! But as you said there are so many terrible things in this life so what if I spoil them a little at least they know they are loved!

Amber still has boundaries, I just loosen them sometimes.

Stay beautiful and thanks a million for your comment Kylie xx.