Saturday, April 04, 2009

New Brighton or Bust!

Well a big thank you to Mum and Barry for inviting us to share their little get away at New Brighton Beach over the weekend. David is still away and it has been a crazy two weeks, we have had three birthday parties a weekend away near the sea, a teddy bears picnic and that is just the interesting stuff!

We nearly didn't make it down the coast, it nearly was the bust option lol, there were several times when we were driving that I nearly talked myself into turning around and heading home. On the Saturday we had swimming lessons in the morning for Amber and I had to return some items to the supermarket, then in the afternoon we had Oliver a classmate and pal of Amber's at schools birthday party, then it was a quick dash home to finish packing and head out the door (well that was the plan anyway), several hours later and I am still struggling to pack, Amber didn't want to leave the birthday party as she finally had the jumping castle to herself lol, even though it was her idea to head down the coast to visit Grandma and Poppy B on there holiday!

Ambers class is such a lovely group of children but they all still have their individual moments which I am coming to understand when I spend time up at the school, it is what makes life so exciting I guess! It makes you realise that emotionally they really are very little and have so many life lessons to learn!

Amber had a few semi melt downs at the party, she is such a sensative young lady, I feel partly to blame their as it is a family trait, we all seem to be extremely sensative on my mums side of the family, it is wonderful in some ways as we feel deeply and have great compassion but it can be a bit of a problem sometimes, and even though I know where her tears are coming from I struggle to deal with it as I am not very good at fixing my own problems when it comes to these sensativities, let alone my daughters.

Everyone always goes oh she must be just tired as they are all so little, but the truth is she just wants everyone to play fair and be kind to each other and unfortunately that not the way the way that the world truly is, it is more of a dog eat dog world and it is a hard lesson to learn and understand. Oh well we muddled through it this time, I guess that is a part of growing up!

By the time we finally hit the road it was quite late and if there is one thing I hate it is travelling in the dark when it is wet and raining and that is exactly what our trip ended up being about plus add an emotional baby to the mix and you have fun, fun, fun lol! I have to say Aidan is one of the happiest little babies, but not that night, so what was meant to be a less than 2 hour journey ended up taking around 3 hours with a stop at McDonald's much to my disappointment but to Amber's joy lol!

With such an auspicious start we finally made it to our destination with a slight wrong turn, in the dark and with my sanity barely in tact and feeling just a little bit water logged but we finally made it ................................yahhhhhhh!

A picture can tell a thousand words can't it, it looks like Aidan is sitting back and enjoying a puff on a cigar lol. Hopefully that is as close as he ever gets to that idea lol! I can just hear him say "Play it again Sam"..................giggle!!!!

Great Poppy with two of his great grandchildren!

It ended up being one of those days where we happened to have luck on our side as it rained on and off all Sunday, but we managed to dash off to the beach twice without a single drop hitting us! Amber and myself just adore the beach, I love taking the camera with me and I end up going snap crazy and Amber loves to frolic and pose lol! I would really love a dslr camera, it gives me inspiration to get cracking with my selling on ebay so I can then save up and hopefully purchase myself one. I really love taking photos, I am no good at it, but I love practising lol!

I wish hubby could have been here to share this holiday with us, but unfortunately he was still away working his arse off to keep us fed and sheltered, he would have loved the fact that there was a pool table where we were staying (a favorite pass time when he was a struggling uni student). Amber was dying to have a go, so under severe supervision we allowed her to have a twirl and prayed that the cue wouldn't meet the green felt and find its way through!

Amber wanted to stay an extra night, so I thought it would be ok to take a mental health day off school, unfortunately it rained all night and into the next morning so there where no more trips to the beach but on the way home we stopped in to Aunty Jen's so Amber could have another play with Emma.

We had a gorgeous time away it was a shame that hubby missed out (there is a little in joke within our family though, we only go away and do special things when David is away), so where should we go next time lol! Lucky he is a good sport about it all. We miss you honey, we know you would rather be here than working over overseas!

All in all we had a lovely time away it is always nice having a semi holiday away with family.............we need to do these things more often, that's what life is all about isn't it??? Hopefully next time we can wrangle the whole family to come along! It was a nice way to say goodbye to summer before the cooler autumn days start creeping in!

I had to post these photos in sequence cause my two cherubs just crack me up sometimes!

I just adore the above photo it was the reaction to what ever Amber whispered in Aidan's ear lol, I can just imagine what she was saying knowing my daughter it was something extremely silly and very much what a 5 year old would imagine up!

Our little man is growing up so fast, this was his last sleep in his capsule in the car.........on to a forward facing seat now.................very grown up and very sad before I know it I will be waving goodbye as I drop him off to school, gone already is the little baby I used to craddle (actually he was never that tiny lol!).

I had to sign off with this final photo I think it explains it all really, I hope your day is as crazy as Aidan's face lol! Have fun and keep smiling Kylie xx.

1 comment:

grandma and poppy b said...

Well guys, we had a fantastic holiday, and it was so great we could share a little bit with you all,sorry Dave couldn't be there, maybe next time. We think you are a fantastic
photographer kylie and just love your blog and great photos, keep up the good work, luv you all heaps. Mum and Barry xxoo