Saturday, August 20, 2011

Coming home!

Things I am thankful for! 

A good friend of mine that has been living in the U.K for several years now is home for good......yaah!!!

She has been my dearest and my best friend since we where in year 4 together and no matter the distance or if we haven't spoken for ages when we see each other again or speak everything just clicks back into place like we have never been apart!

Tracey's parents have a property just out of Brisbane, and we managed to spend a perfect day out at there place celebrating their arrival home! They have a donkey and a horse that the kids loved feeding, actually I love, love, love donkeys, they are just the coolest animal!  I just wanted to take him home!

The kids amused themselves with a hose and a Frisbee with an hilarious out come and lots of fun along the way for the big and small variety alike!

Aidan just loves his cousins, mind you he doesn't look to impressed in the below photo!  He continually talks about Makayla, if he had it his way he would visit her everyday!  I sure I hear daily basis as we head out to the car, "Are we going to Makayla's?" followed by tears when he finds out we are not!

My gorgoeus friends Tracey and Adam!

My gorgeous family!

Tracey's brothers cool dog!

Amber dressed like she is off to the races not a bbq in the country lol!

Amber looking for the frisbee!

Just had to end the post with that spunky donkey.........................he is just too cute for words!  It is like the donkey is saying ".....and that's all folks!"!

1 comment:

grandma and poppy b said...

Some things never change, you always wanted a donkey when we moved to Coffs Harbour, obviously the feeling is still the same, luv the photos, especially the one of Emma,Makayla and Aidan, absolutely gorgeous, how clever you are capturing these special moments. Can you please get one of those cameras that takes a few years off the grandparents. Its great that Tracy and Adam are back in Oz to start their family and start their wonderful memories like yours.
We are so blessed..Mum and Barry xx