Sunday, August 28, 2011


I am feeling so numb at the moment, after attending the funeral of one of my most beautiful friends and her family I am at such a loss!  Unfortunately after a year long battle with cancer Adrian at the young age of 35 passed away!  He has left his new bride and two beautiful and gorgeous little girls behind!

I hurt for the things they will never get to experience!  I hurt that the girls won't have a father to walk them down the isle one day!  I hurt that they will never have another daddy cuddle to make things better!  I hurt that my friend has lost her soul mate!  I hurt that every time something amazing happens that she will run up to share it with him in the split second before the realisation of the truth clouds her thoughts and sadness once again takes over!

Its the little things that will bring sadness, the loss of comfort and joy, the missed glances and the shared laughter!  I wish with all my heart that I could take their pain away, but I am so thankful that they had that time as a family as painful as it was!  I am thankful that they have a very supportive and loving family and an amazing community of friends to lean on but that can only bring so much comfort, the hard times will be in the quite and still of the night or waking up in the morning to roll over and realise they are not beside you!

I have never met someone so strong and brave, I am so proud to be your friend and just know I will be by your side now and always!  Ella and Olivia are like my daughters and I want you to know that we are here for you no matter what!

Love always xx


Unknown said...

Dear Kylie
No one could be a better or more caring friend than you.

We are all so lucky to have you, Dave, Amber and Aidan in our lives.

You are that rare, special person - you are filled with such empathy and kindness.....its hard being that way as you feel and you care....

Take care and be kind to yourself this week as its been so hard for you and all the family.
C xo

grandma and poppy b said...

So proud of our daughter and her family, to have so much care, concern and compassion for their friends, you never know what life has in store for you round the corner and to have people who care and support means everything.
Take the time you need for your own grieving this week my darling, we are so very proud of who you are so never change...hugs and kisses Mum and Barry xx