Monday, May 07, 2012

Easter holidays at the pool!

The weather this Easter holidays was unbelievably warm and perfect for going swimming, I can't believe we actually spent several days at the pool!  Usually it is starting to cool down a little by this time of the year!

It actually makes me feel a little sad, as I am a summer girl all the way, not terribly fond of winter!  I hate having the feel of blankets on my bed weighing me down.  I do like the snuggle in the morning in a warm toasty bed but the flip side of that is that you eventually have to get out of bed!

The fact is I find it a lot easier to cool down than warm up.  I guess I am well suited to living in Brisbane where we are lucky to get to below 5 degrees Celsius and it rarely goes below 20 degrees during the day.

Mind you there are joyous to winter, I love hot chocolates when the temperature turns down and I love sliding around the house in my socks.  I guess if we didn't have a winter would I get to appreciate how wonderful summer really is!  All you lucky ducks on the other side of the world heading into those warm summer days, I will be drooling all over your blogs and counting down the days until we will be off to the pool again!

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