Saturday, July 09, 2011

Our little fury and feathery friends!

 It could be the cold weather but we now have two little friends that are coming to our back door for a visit!

I haven't taken a photo yet but we have a brushtail possum that comes up in the evening and taps on the door for a feed, usually we leave scraps out for her in the evening down at the tree at the back, so if we don't do this for a couple of days she comes for a visit!  Very cute, as she will lean up against your leg to tell you she is here if you are out on the back deck!

Our second little friend is a butcher bird that sits out the back and waits for a little meat every once and awhile!  The bird actually flew inside last week and landed on my soup ladle, which meant that I had tomato soup splat everywhere, but I will forgive her as she is very cute and thankfully she found her own way out without too much disarray!

Welcome to the family our fury and feathery friends, we are always happy for you to pop on by for a visit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love your little black and white butcher bird friend. is he still coming? saw our pale headed rosellas yesterday, in the african tulip tree over the fence. but too shy to come any closer.