Monday, July 04, 2011

A winter spray of sunshine!

I don't know what is so special about winter blue skies and yellow flowers but it makes my heart sing!  Every winter for a couple of weeks our Brook is just a sea of yellow and this year with my new camera, just something I could not resist! 

We are on our second week of winter's break at the moment and there are so many places to be and things to do and we are running out of time fast!  I adore school holidays and having my girl at home!  Today was such a perfect day, perfect weather, perfect company it was hard to do anything but get outside and spend the hours playing at the park and strolling along the Brook with good company...........thank you Cathy and Rosanna, these flowers pretty much some up what a bright and fun day was had by all in your company!

I just love the days where you have nothing planned that just seem to organically form to leave the most beautiful memories!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. How absolutely lovely. I love your flowers and your pretty blue winter skies!

grandma and poppy b said...

What gorgeous photos with your lovely new camera, you are so talented, and your new furry friends sound pretty cute, life is so good at times, stop and smell the flowers hugs mum and grandma xx

Unknown said...

yes, that was a magical day. such a wonderland for secrets and for hide and seek, meandering along the brook, keeping and eye out for wildlife. intereting those council workers repairing the sides of the brook saw a black snake!! glad we werent there to see it though, as i am not really that much of a nature lover. i leave them alone and they can leave me alone!! haha - my favourite part of the day was collecting the dandelion clocks to blow for a wish and also the weeds and leaves for our piggies. btw they loved them and feasted on them over 3 days. thanks to all the kids for helping....