Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aidans first words!

It has been so crazy over the last couple of weeks in the lead up to Amber's birthday and everything else that is going on, I haven't really had a chance to talk about or reflect on anything else!

Its funny how things happen sometimes. Aidan spoke his first word a couple of weeks ago, and it took us totally by surprise as he is only 4 months old and David had only just arrived home from working over in the Solomon Islands so I hadn't really spent that much time one on one with him, as I hardly had time to scratch myself with David being away. So when we arrived home from the airport we seriously couldn't believe our ears when he dropped the word DA DA DA DA as clear as day! We had to wait a couple of days to make sure we weren't imagining it all! It should be no surprise as he is a serious little chatterbox(and I thought boys were the silent ones, boy was I wrong).

Not that I like to compare, but I couldn't help myself as I wanted to see when Amber spoke her first word and we had to wait until around 7 months for that. I can't really call this either Amber or Aidan's first word really as they both started saying hello(no word of a lie) at around a month old. We had to ask other people if we were imagining it. It might have something to do with the fact that the first word both my children ever heard from me was always hello little man, or hello gorgeous obviously I am very unoriginal with my conversations to my children.

Aidan had his immunisations a week ago and the receptionist and doctor couldn't believe how clearly he was saying DA DA. The receptionist had to pick Aidan up and show him off to the other doctor in the surgery. I don't think he is going to be a boy genius or anything, but hopefully he will be a good communicator, I will probably be regretting teaching him how to speak in several months time as I probably won't be able to shut him up lol, but at the moment it is just plain adorable!

Its funny how no one believes you and thinks that your just talking up your own children, but anyone that knows me, knows that that is as far from the truth as you can get for me! Well the truth be told Aidan was born into a household full of family members that like to talk and have there say lol! So watch our little lion roar as there is no stopping him now!!!

I can't believe how fast he is growing, sometimes I wish that I could slow everything down knowing this will be my last child and I just want to soak up every little thing and it's just going way to fast! Aidan has the most beautiful personality he is such a jolly sweet natured little boy, I am just enjoying and trying to savour every minute. Well maybe not every minute as I have to sleep sometime, even when he wakes me several times during the night he just has to roll over and smile and flash those baby blues my way and I just can't be annoyed! I think he has his mummy wrapped around his finger already!!!!

1 comment:

grandma and poppy b said...

Well Aidan, Grandma and Poppy just
couldn't believe our eyes and ears
at Ambers birthday, sporting a new
little boy haircut and babbling away with da da so very clearly, you are growing up way too fast.
But Oh so very cute, we luv yu so
very much, we are so blessed having such beautiful and healthy grandchildren. Hugs and kisses Grandma and Poppy B xxoo