Monday, February 02, 2009

New Years, birthdays and everything in between!

Our Dancing Princess!

Yeah!!! Hubby is back tomorrow, I miss him so much when he is gone and not just because I have two kids to look after! I miss his company and support and him just being there, even if he has fallen asleep on the lounge or putting Amber to bed, he is still around and that is comforting!

I am trying really hard to get ready for Amber's birthday this Sunday coming and she wants a poodle cake (don't ask me why, probably cause its pink lol) and all the trimmings, she has sat down and done many hours of consulting with me about what games she would like and how she would like the house decorated! She is so excited to have all her little friends over so hopefully I can make this year a special one ( no pressure of course). Isn't it funny when your an adult 5 years doesn't seem like a big deal but when I look at my daughter and how much she has grown and changed, and all the things that happened and the things that she has accomplished since her arrival into our lives, 5 years seems to be so grown up and very much a big deal!

I hope I manage to take a few more photos than what I usually manage to take when I am having a party at our house, I am usually to busy running around like a chook with its head cut off!

New Years was nice and relaxing at Jennifer and Adam's place. Poor Adam was ill, so I am sure it was a strange one for him and the rest of us had that nasty cold that was going around that last for around 2 months. All the girls played a boardgame that I gave Jennifer for Christmas named "Jack Arse" and the boys sat around watching TV etc........probably not that exciting for them but David looked after Aidan most of the night and it was just lovely to have a break from the monotony of feeding and putting Aidan to sleep day in day out. We all went up and watched the 8.30pm fireworks and then just before midnight we all ran up to the top of Jennifer's street to watch the 2009 come in! The kids had a wonderful time also and Amber managed to make it to midnight this year, what a surprise, our child the night owl lol!

Sorry Tracey I had to post this photo, I know your going to hate me for it but it just makes me laugh and its a good memory that we were fortunate enough to share this New Year with you while you were here! So thanks mate, your still a true blue aussie sheila lol!

Three in the bed and the little one said...................................

Just a couple of family photos that were taken out on our deck, I just love this time of the year!

Our cuddly bunny after his bath!

I don't quite get what people say when they are wishing school is back in. I truly enjoy the time I spend with my children and it makes me a little sad that I won't get to spend everyday with my gorgeous little girl now! So I am already counting down the days until Easter holidays are here and we can have more adventures together! I will probably eat my words later on down the track when the attitude starts, but at the moment I get immense pleasure spending time with my babies!

We had a late Christmas with our friends a couple of weeks ago and had a marvellous time catching up with them. The kids play so nicely together and then once they all went to sleep (except our lovely late owl Amber, but she entertained herself in the lounge room), we played songstar and a trivia game on the playstation. It was a really lovely relaxing night. Thanks for the fun night of entertainment Ian and Ann, its nice to have a friendship that is just so comfortable!

Well January and February are just birthday after birthday, so Happy Birthday Lisa, Jennifer, Barry, Emma, Darcy, Mitchell, Belle, Angela, Rumi, Adam, Vanessa, Jim and our darling soon to be five year old Amber!

Hopefully we get to celebrate with you all, but if we don't I hope you have a marvellous day!

One special birthday we did manage to celebrate and luckily twice was Miss Emma, as you can see Amber, Emma , Makayla, Aidan and the two mummies had a super fun day at lollipopland! Hope you had a special 3rd Birthday Miss Emma, I know your cousin had a fabulous time!


Emma's 3rd Birthday was finished off with a lovely butterfly fairy party at mums place, as you can see by the photos everyone had a magical day! Oh I forgot it was also Barry's birthday also, even though it was consumed by fairy's and a whole lot of pink, I hope you had a



Amber has been going to swimming lessons since she was 6 months old and her journey has been the slow and steady approach, so this year at the end of the year over Christmas school holidays they have intensive swimming blocks. So I decided this might be the thing she needs to get some confidence and hopefully take those first magical strokes with out assistance.

And I am proud to say after a week and a half of going to the pool everyday that it worked and Amber is just so proud of her achievements and so is her mummy and daddy. Amber can now do freestyle and breaststroke and this coming from a little girl that didn't even have the confidence to go underwater without holding someones hands. Well done my little angel, you have done us proud!

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