Sunday, April 19, 2009

Watch out world here comes Super Aidan!

"Super Aidan", as my husband frequently shouts out as he flies him around the room! Its quite appropriate actually as we never saw these super moves coming quite this fast. This boy doesn't muck around.

Aidan is officially crawling now, it was the commando crawl two weeks ago and now its the full fledged crawl (thankfully at a slow pace atm), but that is not the freaky thing, he only worked out how to crawl four days ago and now he is successfully pulling himself up onto furniture. So not ready for this stage at all, Amber was a bum shuffler and took until around 10 to 11 months to start pulling herself up on furniture, so we were totally blindsided and hoping and praying that Aidan would be the same.

Isn't it funny with your first your pushing them impatiently to keep up with what they say in the books and at mothers groups so you don't feel like some sort of failure and in hindsight with your second you realize that they all reach these special milestones at some point in their own sweet time and that it doesn't matter how long the journey takes as long as you enjoy it!

So this time around I was in no hurry exactly the opposite, I knew what was coming and I was certainly in no hurry to get there. I guess that is the surprise as I wasn't expecting this new challenge so early. It is funny what life throws at you, you can certainly say that it's not boring and now I get to experience this stage in a whole different light!
So is mummy up for this new challenge????? Well Mr. is time for mummy to get fit chasing you around lol!!! So watch our world here comes SUPER AIDAN!!!!!!

Just a quick movie of Aidan crawlling, and below is the start of what I call a big headache lol! Lucky he is so darn cute at the moment!

Sorry the last one is a little long, but it is special to us, our little man is no longer a baby, he is growing so fast, we love you Mr Aidan you bring us endless joy and happiness!

Just had to add these last two photos for a laugh, talk about crazy hair, Aidan has already had two haircuts at 6 months of age, and I don't think he is far from haircut number 3 lol, what do you think! Poor thing he won my gene pool (thick, thick, thick hair)!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Aidan - what a gorgeous little man! think, glorious hair and OMG those eyes!! I always wanted a blue eyed baby and Miss Annika was born with the loveliest blue eyes (which was a bit strange as Tino and I are both brown-eyes). They stayed blue for 7 months....and have slowly turned brown like the other 4 kids....just not as brown, more a hazely brown. Aidan is a treasure♥

Kylie and Amber said...

Don't ask me where the blue eyes came from Vanessa, neither Aidan's or Amber's mummy or daddy have blue eyes lol! I did until I was 4 years old but they changed which was wierd as usually eyes change colour in the first 12 months, go figure. At least you won't be questioned by everyone saying were did she come from.

Thanks for your gorgeous comments, your too sweet. Loving your blog, its always a highlight to my day.

Hugs Kylie xx.

grandma and poppy b said...

We loved the video of super aidan,
can't believe how quickly he is
growing ( in a matter of weeks )
next week he'll be running, no no
says mummy and daddy, watch out world here he comes...luv you all so much...mum and barry xxoo