Monday, November 21, 2011

 What can I say, we are half way through November and I am only just blogging about Halloween!  Not bad for me really, sometimes it takes years lol!  Halloween is only just starting to take off her in Australia and I would be hard pressed to find a house down our street that would be decorated up and invite two little trick or treaters in the front gate!  So to dress my kids up and send them out might result in a very traumatic result of no candy(hey that might have been a great plan!) and maybe a few tears.

So lucky for me, my sister had kindly invited us to a street party with willing houses putting a balloon out the front so you don't receive any surprise, unwanted visitors arriving on your doorstep yelling out - "Trick or Treat!".  This was the second year that my sisters street had run with Halloween and the willing houses has nearly doubled, which was very exciting for my two!

Thanks Jen for making two little people more than happy and who have now been  living on a sugar high over the last couple of weeks, we still have a little stash left in our pumpkin baskets.

I hope everyone had a spooktacular Halloween!

Excuse the green pants on my little devil (so appropriate......dressing up as a little devil), I was lucky to get the costume on him as before he realized that lollies were part of the deal, he was not keen to take part!  Do you like the candy bracelet, very 2011 I think!

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