Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amber's 5th Birthday!

Well how grown up is our little girl now! I can't believe that 5 years have passed and a whole new phase of her life is about to begin! I have to say that it has taken me a week to post this as I was absolutely worn out after her party. It was a lot of hard work but it was worth every second to see my little girls face beaming all day with that glow and childish joy that can only come from a five year old on her birthday, it makes the hours I spent on her cake up until 4.30am the morning before on her poodle cake all worth while. I do have to say though after icing cupcakes for the party and for her school cake, if I ever see another cupcake again it will be too soon lol!

Thank goodness I had assistance with the party bags and decorations thank you so much to David's parents especially his dad who was up half the night with us perfecting the cake and making sure that the goody bags were sorted out fairly! The house sparkled and the accent of pink and blue throughout the house was any little girls fantasy!

The day went off with out a hitch, it was a little warmer than planned and a lot of liquid was consumed, but I think everyone had a great time. Amber spent the whole two and half hours trying to convince all her little friends that it would be a great idea to go for a run under the sprinkler..................this was a good idea in theory but it was not part of the invitations lol, but this did not stop her trying to hand out her swim wear collection to anyone that was willing. We thankfully talked her out of this option at least until the games had been played, the cake cut and the food consumed. Unfortunately the party was basically over by this stage but thankfully she managed to squeeze in a little sprinkler action with her cousin Emma and her best friend Darcy. Probably a perfect way to finish off a humid sticky day..........................if I was smart enough I should have joined her lol!

Well Amber received some beautiful things and her first bike off her Grandma and Poppy B, which she was certainly rapt about. She received many beautiful pink things which went down a treat and what would a 5 years olds birthday be like without a few princess things!

I think that the highlight to the party was certainly the face painting, we invited Mark who works for David come along with his talented wife(and their business) plus their gorgeous daughter to work up a treat, where everyone and not just the Little's got their face painted as there were quite a few big kids that came out with some interesting artwork on their faces also!

I think someone was just plumb worn out by all that was going on lol!

Well Amber certainly had the chance to celebrate her birthday several times, as her real birthday fell on Monday so we had a little celebration at school were I took some cupcakes up to school to share with all her class and her teachers Mrs Argyris and Mrs Bee. It is always strange celebrating at school when her birthday falls at the beginning of the year, as so many faces are new but we were lucky this year as 6 of her fellow pre-prepers are in Amber's class this year, which was just fabulous for so many reasons, cause at least when I looked around the room I could see several familiar faces. Amber was so excited to get up in front of the class and have them sing happy birthday to her, while she blew the candles out. She also got to select who would get the first pick of the cupcakes, which was very cute.

I also heard that a couple of her little friends that went to her party fought tooth and nail not to wash their faces the night before in case they washed their face pianting off, now that is so cute(maybe not for the parents lol, but I secretly had a little chuckle.) I am sure they will pay me back soon enough!

And last but not least we had a little celebration at home with just mummy, daddy and Aidan with a cake (sponge with no icing, unfortunately I left the cake out of the fridge to long the day before and it wasn't holding up to well), thankfully we were all caked out so we were not to devastated when we decided to miss the cake eating part, which was probably good for our health really lol! Amber finally got to open her presents from us and like usual she was spoilt rotten. She had been asking for this Ariel Doll and all her family(for anyone who is not in the know and doesn't have their own little princess in their house, this is the mermaid princess from "The Littlest Princess"), Amber has been going on and on about this doll set for about 8 months, thank goodness I managed to track one down (the last one, phew at Big W, last June), so she has been over the moon, she finally has Prince Eric, what else could a girl ask or dream for!

I think all up Amber had an amazing birthday, and I hope one day when she is much older she can look back on this and remember her 5th birthday with fond memories, I know I will as it was the day I lost my little girl and meet this new little lady that now blesses my life.



grandma and poppy b said...

We had a great time at your 5th Birthday party, and lots of fun with the face painting, pleased to hear that you had a very special day with your family and friends as we know mummy and daddy went to a lot of trouble to make it special for you. Cant believe our little grandaughter is a big 5
already. Luv Grandma and Poppy B.

Kylie and Amber said...

Thanks mum and Barry for your gorgeous comments, I wish I had managed enough time to take some more photos as there are so many gaps and people that I would have loved to included in this post.

We thank you for coming and making Amber's day so special I am really happy with how the day turned out, but I am in no hurry to organize the next one lol. Amber to so lucky to have you both in her life.

Hugs and kisses Kylie xx